Blizzard knows how to make massive games with its worlds, upgrades and gear, plentiful quests, and a plethora of dungeons. In Diablo 4, you will want to know how to equip Aspects because they are useful, and there are hundreds of them. These are passive attachments that give you upgrades, some of which are for anyone, and others are class specific. These Legendary upgrades bump your non-Legendary gear to the next level. Knowing how and when you can equip them will help you when you start getting into more challenging areas of the MMO-like ARPG, as you dungeon crawl and slay bosses.
Easy Steps to Equip Aspects in Diablo 4

You will not be able to equip Aspects in Diablo 4 right away. You will need to do one or both of two things. As you play to unlock this mechanic, your character must either reach level 25 or obtain the Codex of Power by completing the right dungeon. For the Codex, open your map and hover your cursor over dungeons until you see it appear as a reward for that dungeon. When you start collecting these upgrades, you can see what you have by opening the menu and going to Collections. It will highlight what you own, but you can see all of them in the game.
To use what you acquire, go to Kyovashad and go to the Occultist toward the top left of the city. Interacting with them will open his Aspects menu and your inventory. From there, you can do one of two things: Imprint or Extract. Imprinting puts the Aspect on; extracting destroys the item to obtain the attached Aspect. To Imprint: select the piece of gear you want, choose the Aspect, and click “Imprint Aspect.” This will cost you gold and a salvageable material from rare gear called Veiled Crystal. To Extract, you just select the item again and click “Extract Aspect,” and pay some gold.
Aspects in Diablo 4 are obtained by either completing specific Dungeons that offer them as a reward or extracting Aspects from gear. Extracting is done to Legendary items that have this additional power. You can find these usually from chests and boss fights. You can increase your chances of one dropping by completing the Master portion of quests, which is a side portion of quests and events that gives you better rewards at the end. When you unlock an Aspect, it is available for every character you have created.
Diablo 4 is available on PS4 and 5,