Granblue Fantasy Relink is filled with all sorts of items and various ways to obtain them. One such item is the Knickknack Vouchers that can be used to obtain Sigils from Siero. Farming them will help you progress through the game much faster. So here is how to farm Knickknack Vouchers in Granblue Fantasy.
Farming Knickknack Vouchers in Granblue Fantasy Relink

Getting items in Granblue Fantasy Relink is associated with completing and repeating quests. In case of getting Knickknack Vouchers fast and quick in the game, we have to complete a quest that won’t reward you with vouchers. Instead, you will be rewarded with other items that you can swap to get much more Vouchers.
Firstly, you have to finish the main story because you have to complete the quest in Extreme difficulty which is only available after finishing the story. The quest you have to complete is the Assault Formation! which rewards you with some High-Grade Scrap and Machine Units.
In this quest, you must survive for four minutes and kill the enemies. Depending on how well you perform and kill enemies, the reward will vary, but nonetheless, the reward is worth it. It is best to repeat the quest a couple of times to gather a good chunk of items and then leave.
Afterward, head to the Siero’s Knickknack Shack. From the menu select Knickknack Vouchers and then Trade Treasure. Now trade all the High-Grade Scrap and Machine Units you gathered from the quest to get Knickknack Vouchers. Now you can use all those vouchers to get random Sigils with different rarities.
That was how you could easily farm Knickknack Vouchers in Granblue Fantasy Relink. Make sure to check our website for more Granblue Fantasy guides and articles as well.
Granblue Fantasy Relink is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.