Call of Duty: Warzone 2 DMZ players are enjoying the launch of Season 2 which introduces Ashika Island. As per usual, it is filled with gems like rare item finds that can immensely help you out. As these finds are rare, it’s understandable that they are not the easiest to track down. The Drifting Supply Bag is one of those items. We will show you where you can find the Drifting Supply Bag so you can take advantage of its items for CoD: Warzone 2 DMZ.
Find the Drifting Supply Bag for DMZ in CoD: Warzone 2

For those of you used to playing DMZ, you know just how frustrating it can be to track down certain items. In the case of the Drifting Supply Bag, its location may cause some players to simply give up on it. This is because it is not on land but deep underwater.
Before we get into how you can find the Drifting Supply Bag for CoD: Warzone 2 DMZ, let’s check out what it contains. It contains three masks that are worth $75,000. Every time you find it, you can loot it and take advantage of selling those masks for profit. This more than makes the trek to them worthwhile.
Now, just where underwater in the DMZ is the Drifting Supply Bag for CoD: Warzone 2? Well, you will have to head out northwest of Ashika Island. You’ll travel far. We mean extremely far out. You can swim out there, but it may be quicker to take a boat. Check out the precise location in the image below:

Where to find Emergency Rations in Warzone 2 DMZ
Once you reach the DMZ location, you should find the Drifting Supply Bag in CoD: Warzone 2 without difficulty. That is, as long as you dive straight down. If you are in the right spot, you should see the outline of the bag highlighted. Just head straight there and unlock it. There are no enemies in this area so you won’t have to rush other than to watch your oxygen levels underwater.
Of course, before you do any of this, be sure you have the key for the Drifting Supply Bag in CoD: Warzone 2 DMZ. Otherwise, you can’t get anything from it.
The key is a completely random loot drop. It can show up in various containers, dropped from AI enemies, or even from contracts. So, play through the DMZ as you normally would and hope you happen upon a key.
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 is available on PC, PS5 and PS4 systems, and