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As in many other Soulslike games, in Lords of the Fallen, you can get weapons and equipment from the bosses you fight. In this game, the mechanics are slightly different, and to get the desired equipment, such as Pieta’s Sword, killing Pieta will not be enough. We have described all the necessary steps on how to get boss weapons in Lords of the Fallen so that you can get them all. The process of getting the weapons is not complicated, but the problem is that you won’t get them for free, and you need to spend Umbral Scourings to buy them, so read the information carefully to understand how it works.
Lords of the Fallen: How To Get Boss Remembrance

To get a boss’s weapons or equipment, you first have to get a Remembrance. After killing each boss, its Remembrance will appear in the arena, which you can collect using the Umbral Lamp. So, here are the steps you need to take:
- Find and kill the boss whose weapon or equipment you want to get.
- Go to the Umbral Realm after the boss dies.
- Take the Umbral Lamp to Soul Flay the Stigmas that will appear after the enemy dies.
After a short Stigma dialog, you will get the Remembrance of that boss. After doing this, you can proceed to the next step, namely buying the equipment and weapons.
How To Use Boss Remembrance

When you finally get Remembrance, you can go to a merchant to give it to him and buy the items you want. The merchant you are looking for is called Moluh who is located on the top level of Skyrest Bridge and you can interact with him only in the Umbral Realm. If you haven’t seen him yet, it means that you haven’t brought him the Bowl of Revelations, which can be found in the Pilgrim’s Perch area by taking it from one of the fossilized corpses.
When you eventually come to Moluh, the last thing to do is to give him the Remembrance you found, after which his inventory will expand and all the items related to the boss you killed will appear. The main problem is that they are not free, and you will need plenty of Umbral Scourings to buy them. To get this unique currency, you have to kill enemies and bosses. Once you have enough Umbral Scourings, you can buy the weapons you want and thus become stronger.
Lords of the Fallen is available on PS5,