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Lyleen in Palworld is a Grass type pal with Level 4 Planting, Level 3 Handiwork, Medicine, and Level 2 Gathering. These skills make Lyleen a crucial Pal to acquire for the mid-to-end game base automation. Also, you can use it to breed powerful Pals, such as Warsect, Helzephyr, and Quivern. But getting your hand on Lyleen is difficult since it is not easy to breed or capture a Lyleen in Palworld.
Where To Find Lyleen in Palworld

You can capture Lyleen in the wild at No.3 Wildlife Sanctuary at the far north of the map. They appear at Level 30 or higher in the wild. Since Grass-type Pals are vulnerable to Fire-type attacks, Pals like Jormuntide Ignis,Suzaku, and Faleris are good counters for Lyleen.
Also, there is a Level 49 Alpha Lyleen in the Astral Mountains within the Iceberg Mineshaft in Palworld. However, we found it is not worth catching unless you want to defeat it and gather some materials. The boss variant of Lyleen does not have as much skill level as any other Lyleen bred or captured from the wild. For example, the Tower Boss has Level 3 Planting and Level 2 Handiwork skills, while the other Lyleens have Level 4 Planting and Level 3 Handiwork.
How To Breed Lyleen
You only have two options for breeding Lyleen in Palworld. Use either two Lyleens to get a Lyleen; the other combo is to mate Mossanda and Petallia. In other words, if you plan to get Lyleen for the first time through breeding, the only available combo is Mossanda and Petallia.
The first Pal you need to find to breed Lyleen in Palworld is Mossanda. Mossandas can be found around Frostbound Mountains and Verdant Brook, and high-level Mossandas can be captured inside dungeons. Also, some breeding combos, such as Nitewing and Sibelyx, Sweepa and Sibelyx, or Cinnamoth and Ragnahawk, can be used to get a Mossanda.
Petallia can be found as a Level 28 Field Alpha Boss at Moonless Shore and No.1 Wild Life Sanctuary. However, the easier method would be to breed a Petallia. There are some easy breeding combos for it, including Rushoar and Nitewing or Direhowl and Cinnamoth. These pals can be easily found at the early stage of the game. Once you have a Mossanda and Petallia, you can breed a Lyleen Palworld.