Have you tried the Cave Dweller mod for your latest Minecraft playthrough? Created by a modder named Gargin, this Minecraft mod adds a very spooky mob into the Cave biome. This creepy, lanky stalker will follow you around and make scary sounds from beyond the underground’s veil of darkness. Annoyingly, it will suddenly come and go, adding an extremely scary experience to your run. If you want to get a taste of it yourself, this Minecraft guide will help you get and install the Cave Dweller mod.

- Download Forge and GeckoLib. You will need these to be able to run the mod.
- You will want to pick the Forge and GeckoLib versions corresponding to your Minecraft build.
- Download Java if you haven’t done so.
- Download the Cave Dweller Minecraft mod.
- While the mod is listed on the Curseforge site, the actual files are not.
- You can grab the Cave Dweller mod on Google Drive instead.
- This mod has two files. CaveNoise is the original version.
- CaveNoise-Nightmare is a variant where the Cave Dweller will spawn much more often.
- Pick one out of the two files.
- Move the mod’s .jar file to your Minecraft mod folder.
- Open the Minecraft Launcher.
- Look to the drop-down button to the left of the Play button. Pick the Forge version.
- Click Play.
Another Minecraft mod maker, Frogballoon, has also made a retexture mod for Cave Dweller. Dubbed “Creepier Cave Dweller,” Frogballon turns the original’s rather flat texture into something closer to a creature from The Nether. Sporting a black body, it definitely looks scarier, making your adventure in the dark much more suspenseful. Here’s what you need to do to use the texture pack:
- Download the Creepier Cave Dwellers-1.19.3.zip on Curseforge.
- Put it into the Resource Pack folder.
- Apply the file changes.
- Move it to the top of the Resource Pack List.
- Doing so should overwrite the original mod assets.
And that is how you can install the Cave Dweller mod for your Minecraft. Are you ready to face it alone, especially at night? Stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for more guides on Minecraft and your other favorite game titles.
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Minecraft is available on PC, Android, iOS,