Anyone who’s ventured enough into the story of Monster Hunter World might’ve seen that High Rank brings new materials, such as Fucium Ore. While initially, players might ignore some ore deposits in the game and focus on tackling some Elder Dragons, it’s important to have some materials at hand if you want to make it to the game’s big leagues. That’s why we consider having some Fucium Ore in MHW essential if you want to get some endgame armor sets and weapons to tackle some of the biggest challenges in the New World.
Where To Find Fucium Ore in Monster Hunter World

To find Fucium Ore in Monster Hunter World, the easiest way to get it is by heading to an expedition in Elder’s Recess. You can get this material by mining the blue ore deposits on the map. There is a 20% chance of getting it in High-Rank Expeditions and a 40% chance of getting it if you take a Master-Rank expedition in Iceborne.
Items that Use Fucium Ore
Provided you’ve farmed some Fucium Ore in MHW, it is time to craft some things at the smithy. Here are some of the weapons and armor that use this material in the game:
- Damascus Armor Set (Alpha and Beta)
- High Metal Armor Set (Alpha and Beta)
- Dodogama Vanbraces (Alpha and Beta)
- Uragaan Coil (Alpha and Beta)
- Ingot Armor Set (Alpha and Beta)
- Chrome Razor
- Lightning Punisher
- Iron Gospel
- Blacksteel Longsword
- Chrome Slicers
- Lightning Bash
- Chrome Lance
- Blacksteel Lance
- Gigafrost
- Freeze Gate
- Blacksteel Gunlance
- Cross Blitz
- Frost Blitz
- Blacksteel Crossbow
- Alloy Bow
- Water Shot
Contrary to other materials, this one isn’t hard to get, and once you mine all nodes, you can exit the expedition and restart it again. You’ll also have more chances if you decide to go in during an Upsurge, which increases the chances of getting rare materials. So, grab your potions, equip your Palico with the best armor, and head to the Elder’s Recess to grab some Fucium Ore.