You can get into many careers, including those in the medical field that require you to get into Medical School in BitLife. Getting into Medical School can be challenging, but there’s no real explanation for how to do it. If you plan on landing a medical career, there’s no doubt that you will spend loads of time getting a proper education and studying through years of college. After all, you wouldn’t want to not know what you’re doing when caring for ill people, would you? Let’s look at how to get into Medical School in BitLife.
Getting Into Medical School in BitLife

If you’re going to make it as a doctor in BitLife, you’ll need some Smarts on your side, even before going to college. Starting from a young age, you should begin studying harder every chance you get. You can study harder from the Occupations tab after selecting your school. All the while, you should also be doing some extra work to boost up your Smarts stat. A great way to do this is to head over to the Activities tab and the Mind & Body menu. Select the Read a Book option, then flip through the pages of some books.
After you’ve got your Smarts stat in check, you should continue the same practices throughout High School until your graduation date. When asked if you’d like to continue your education, choose to attend University with a medical-related major to get into Medical School in BitLife. This can be:
- Nursing
- Biology
- Science
Much like you did in school, Study Harder as often as possible and keep your grades up if you want to get into Medical School in BitLife. Keeping your grades and Smarts stat as high as possible is crucial. Additionally, you should also keep your Health stat as high as possible.
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To increase your Health stat, there are a couple of things you can do:
- Use the Diet option within the Mind & Body menu to choose a healthy diet
- Visit the Doctor whenever you are sick to get treatment
- Avoid drinking and drugs
- Visit the gym regularly
After you’ve finished college, you can choose to seek high knowledge. This option allows you to visit the Education options and decide to enroll in Medical School in BitLife. If you don’t get a pop-up message asking if you’d like to return to University or begin looking for a job, you can head into the Occupations tab and choose the Education option.
From the Education tab, you can enroll in Medical School in BitLife and get the medical career of your dreams.
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