Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is here, and players are itching to tackle new missions, weapons, and challenges. Among those are the classic Mastery Camos and Mastery Challenges. Before you can get to specific challenges, you must unlock the camos. So, we’ll show you what you need to do to access the Polyatomic Camo in Modern Warfare 2, so you can get closer to taking on the Mastery challenges.
Unlocking the Polyatomic Camo in Modern Warfare 2
Camos are a fun way to apply cool new skin to your weapons so you can battle in style. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, there are four total mastery camos you can unlock:
- Gold
- Platinum
- Polyatomic
- Orion
If you’re familiar with the game, know they’ve tweaked the unlock system. Unlocking the camos relate to one another. To unlock the Polyatomic Camo challenges in Modern Warfare 2, you must complete 51 Platinum Camo challenges. Likewise, to unlock Platinum, you must complete a certain amount of Gold Camo challenges.
Once you access the Polyatomic challenges, you will have to complete them to unlock the camo itself. You must do so on each individual weapon category too, and the challenges are not the same across the board. M4 challenges, for example, are different than RPG challenges.
The challenges relate to the weapon category and getting a certain amount of kills while using said weapon. As such, prepare to undergo numerous matches on your way to unlocking the Polyatomic Camo in Modern Warfare 2.
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Since Polyatomic is quite far down the list, it stands to reason that you won’t achieve this weapon camo immediately. So, it will take some grinding to get to. In the end, it’s worth it since you need the Polyatomic Camo to access the Orion Camo in Modern Warfare 2.
Also, once you work on completing all the Polyatomic Camo challenges, you can also gain the Polyatomic Calling Card and the Polyatomic Emblem.
Beyond the Polyatomic Camo, Modern Warfare 2 has more than 180 different camos to unlock for the various weapons. This way, you can personalize your weapons exactly as you see fit. Simply follow along with all the specific challenges, and you’ll have plenty to choose from when customizing.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available on PC, PS5, and PS4 systems, and