You can get Sunstone in Return to Moria in two ways: as a random drop by defeating Troll King or you can find and mine this mineral in the lower levels of Moria. It is worth talking about Troll King since this method will allow you to get some Sunstone earlier in the story. Troll Kings are powerful bosses you can meet in different rooms of Moria. These are formidable enemies, but if you defeat them, you have small chance of getting a Sunstone.
Alternatively, you can find Sunstone as a mineral in the walls in the lower levels of Moria. More precisely, go to the Barazinbar and The Darkest Deeps area. Examine the walls in these locations and look for golden ore veins that shimmer in green, brown, and orange colors. Sometimes, they can also glow with a red tint, and this is because Sunstone often spawns as a combined ore along with Adamant. By mining these rocks, you will get both very durable materials. At this plot point, we recommend collecting some Ironwood and creating a Tier 4 Pickaxe.

That is all you need to know about how to get Sunstone in Return to Moria. Next, it all depends on your perseverance, but let’s once again recall the main points that you should know:
- You can find Sunstone as an ore in Barazinbar and The Darkest Deeps areas.
- To mine, you will need a Tier 4 Pickaxe.
- You can also get Sunstone as a drop from Troll King.