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Every new patch for Final Fantasy’s biggest MMO brings many things for players to do. Some focus on dungeons and crafting only, while others focus on collecting several things to give their characters more personality. FFXIV 6.45 introduces a new hairstyle called Ambitious Ends. This is a fantastic hairstyle available for any body type, and getting it isn’t too hard if you’re into dungeon delving, at least. So, buckle up because, in this guide, we’ll tell you how to obtain this new look for your character!
FFXIV 6.45: How to Get the New Ambitious Ends Hairstyle

If you want to get the new Ambitious Ends hairstyle introduced in FFXIV 6.45, you must tackle the new Variant dungeon. All you have to do to unlock the dungeon is head to Old Sharlyan and speak to the NPC near the Hunt Board. Doing so will start the “Mononoke Aware” quest to unlock Mount Rokkon. Once you unlock the dungeon, you must do it several times to get the necessary currency for the new cosmetic item. The item costs 6 Rokkon Potsherds, which you can get by doing a few runs of the new Variant dungeon. If you want to tackle the dungeon faster, bring a whole party to help you farm potsherds; that way, you’ll get the hairstyle sooner.
Can You Get the Hairstyle Without Doing the Dungeon?
Yes! If you want to get the new FFXIV 6.45 Ambitious Ends hairstyle, you can find it on the market board. Prices will vary depending on your world and data center, but so far, the highest price is around 500,000 gil. This is the fastest way to get it if you don’t have the time to do the new dungeon and want to start using the new hairstyle without much effort. However, we recommend trying the new Mount Rokkon dungeon at least once because it brings some fun mechanics and things to discover.
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And that’s how you can obtain the new Ambitious Ends hairstyle of FFXIV 6.45. As you can see, the process isn’t long, and it’s fun if you have more people with you. Doing the dungeon is a great way to practice your job rotation without the pressure of having other players. Yet, you can always invite others to make the dungeon run much easier and faster. Regardless, this dungeon brings many rewards and currency you can exchange to get new outfits and more.
FFXIV is available on PS4, PS5, and PC.