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When it comes to your gameplay in Sons of the Forest and having any chance of survival against the numerous cannibals and enemies that roam the island, you need to have access to the tools necessary to protect yourself. The Cross can be an extremely valuable item to take with you when exploring caves with the potential to spawn Demons or Mutants. Not only can it deter them and prevent them from attacking you, but it can scare them away altogether or even damage them if you use them against the right enemies. Let’s take a look at how to get the Cross in Sons of the Forest.
Where To Find the Cross in Sons of the Forest

Finding the Cross won’t take too long or be difficult by any means, but the enemies that spawn in the areas around it might give you a run for your money. The Cross is found in a cave, and with caves, you usually find mutants as well. That said before you head off to start searching for the cave with the Cross in it, be sure to prepare accordingly. Bring along some food, energy items, and some water, and make sure you have the best armor equipped beforehand.

Once you have everything settled, it’s time to head to the cave where you will find the Cross. The cave can be found in the Northwestern portion of the island. You won’t need anything to get inside, just yourself, some light, and a ranged weapon.

Once you go into the cave, there will be one big room that opens up after the main entrance. Within that room, you’ll see loads of blind mutants hanging out in the water. You can either sneak past them and risk being attacked if you’re noticed, or you can stay up on the ledge that overlooks them and pick them off one by one with a ranged weapon. They can’t get up to the ledge you’re on, so if you take them all out it’ll be safe to head down.

Once you’ve cleared the mutants, the Cross will be on the opposite side of the room from the ledge. If you head down the ramp to the right, a path will lead you directly to the Cross location, sitting next to a light near the wall.
How To Use the Cross in SotF
Once you have the Cross in Sons of the Forest, you should be sure to take it with you into other caves from now on. The Cross, if equipped, can be used by using the Left Mouse Button on demons and mutants. It won’t work 100% of the time, but it will occasionally scare mutants away and more often than not, burn Demons in its presence.
Sons of the Forest is now available on PC.