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Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.55 brings a plethora of conclusions to the Endwalker side stories, offering players a rich narrative experience. Among these narratives is the Tataru’s Grand Endeavor storyline, which revolves around everyone’s beloved Scion secretary, Tataru. Unlocking and completing this Tataru quest chain leads to rewarding the Wayfarer’s Barding for your Chocobo companion in FFXIV. Let’s delve into the steps to obtain the Wayfarer’s Barding.

Unlocking the Tataru Quest in FFXIV
To embark on Tataru’s Grand Endeavor, certain prerequisites must be met. Players need to have a discipline of war or magic job at level 90 and must have completed the Endwalker main story. Additionally, the completion of side stories from previous expansions, including Shadow of Mhach (Heavensward), The Four Lords (Stormblood), and The Story of Werlyt (Shadowbringers), is essential. You can then get started towards the Wayfarer’s Barding in FFXIV.
Completing the post-Endwalker main story quests titled Newfound Adventure is also a requirement for unlocking Tataru’s Grand Endeavor. Furthermore, returning players can initiate Newfound Adventure by speaking to Tataru herself at X:6.0 Y:5.9 in the Rising Stones, Mor Dhona.
Following the Newfound Adventure questline leads to a culmination with the quest A Satrap’s Duty, unlocking the initial Tataru’s Grand Endeavor quest in Old Sharlayan. This will allow you to begin the journey to obtaining the Wayfarer’s Barding in FFXIV.
Once all the prerequisites are fulfilled, players will encounter the NPC Mehdjina near Tataru’s Boutique at X:11.8 Y:9.8 in Old Sharlayan. Mehdjina will present the quest Small Business, Big Dreams, marking the beginning of Tataru’s Grand Endeavor.

Where To Get the Wayfarer’s Barding in FFXIV
As long as you have all the prerequisites above done, you should be able to follow this storyline until the conclusion added in Patch 6.55. The final quest in the chain is called Worth Its Weight in Gil and ends the narrative of this storyline.

Turning in this last quest will reward you with the Wayfarer’s Barding in FFXIV. This Chocobo outfit is quite simplistic and is influenced by the adventure coming up in the Dawntrail expansion.
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