In Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion, various pieces of equipment can help strengthen Zack’s combat capabilities in battles, just like in other Final Fantasy titles and most RPGs. You will need to fit Zack with the best armor and Accessories in order to beat the story mode and post-game content completely. This Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion guide will tell you how to get one of the best Accessories in the game, the Ziedrich.
How To Get Ziedrich Accessories in Crisis Core Reunion
Attack, Vitality, Magic, and Spirit are increased by 100. Reduces all elemental attacks received by half.
- Auto Guard
- Break HP Limit+
- Break Damage Limit
- Half Elemental Damage
The Ziedrich can be obtained from a Chest in the “M9-5-6: Even Deeper” Mission. To be precise, it is located in the bottom left corner of the map, in one corner of the room. This is the only way of obtaining Ziedrich; it cannot be purchased from a store or obtained from an enemy either from a drop or Steal. Ziedrich is only found in this one chest throughout the entire game.
While, as you can see from the in-game description above, Ziedrich is a very powerful piece of Accessory, there is one small drawback of equipping it: a -5 LCK reduction. That means there is a lower chance you will deal Critical Hits and get better drops. However, if you have Genji Glove, you don’t have to worry since it turns all your damages into Critical Hits.
Ziedrich (also known as Seydlitz) is a recurring armor in the Final Fantasy series. It can occasionally take the form of a shield, body armor, or bangle, but usually speaking, it is an extremely strong piece of gear that offers significant stat increases and defense against almost all elements.
Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion is now available for PC, PS4, PS5,