In Palworld, Refined Ingot is a material that you will use a lot in the middle game and you will need it in many different recipes. You will need this item, especially in constructing electrical tools and crafting the saddle of Pals you will obtain after Level 40. Therefore, knowing how to get this material automatically and efficiently is very essential for you to progress quickly in the Palworld.
How To Get Refined Ingot in Palworld

The most important and basic item you need to make Refined Ingot in Palworld is the Improved Furnace, you cannot craft Refined Ingot without this item. You need to be at least Level 34 and spend 4 Technology Points to unlock the Improved Furnace. Then you need to build it in the desired location for x100 Stone, x30 Cement, and x3 Flame Organ. You can make Charcoal, Ingot, and Refined Ingot in the Improved Furnace, so there is no point in using the Primitive Furnace after unlocking this recipe.
All Improved Furnace Recipes:
- Charcoal: x2 Wood
- Ingot: x2 Ore
- Refined Ingot: x2 Ore, x2 Coal
In order to produce Refined Ingot, you also need to have Coal, so it makes sense to build another base. In our opinion, your first main base should be in as open an area as possible, your second base should be in a solid Ore deposit and the third in a decent Coal deposit. Or you can choose a place with both Coal and Ingot. Of course, you’ll need the best mining Pals in Palworld to mine this much Ore deposit. You can build your third base after your Base Level is 15.
That’s all you need to know to craft Refined Ingot in Palworld, if you need a video guide, check out the YouTube video below from WoW Quests: