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Healing and restoring hearts in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is of utmost importance, just like in all other Zelda games. We all have gotten used to the cute and naive health system in the Legend of Zelda games. Unlike in other popular games, we have hearts instead of boring numbers. At the start, Link has a few hearts at his disposal, and they are depleted lightning fast, as enemies are stronger than ever. Luckily, there are a few ways to restore and increase health. This guide will show you how to heal and restore hearts in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Healing in Tears of the Kingdom Explained

To heal and restore hearts in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you will need to find, prepare, and consume food. Just like in its predecessor, food is the main item that can restore hearts. In the early game, you will get access to apples and Skyshrooms scattered across the land. We suggest you pick up any that you find lying around. You will need plenty of them in the early game. Enemies are not at all that naive and can land a hit anytime on our hero, which instantly means one less heart.
Now, if you feel that you need to use these healing items, simply press + to open the inventory. Navigate with the L and R buttons to the materials or food tab. Here, you will find all the Skyshrooms and Apples you have collected so far that can restore hearts in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Select the food you want and press A. In the menu, select Eat. Now, an Apple will give you back only half of the heart. As you progress through the game, you will unlock cooking, and cooked food will give you back a lot more hearts.
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How to Increase Health
Worry no more if you think you have fewer hearts than you need. There is a way to increase hearts in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, but it demands some grinding. You need to complete Shrines in the game, and each will give you a Light of Blessing. After you collect four of these, you can offer them to a Goddess Statue. As you pray to her, you will get one heart container in exchange for the Light of Blessings.
There is a total of 120 shrines in the expansive world of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, and in addition to heart containers, Light of Blessings also increases Link’s Stamina.
That wraps up how to heal and increase health in Tears of the Kingdom. For more useful content on the game, search The Nerd Stash.