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When cobbling together matter and concepts of the world themselves, you sometimes have to wonder what goes into creating massive celestial bodies. Infinite Craft does a great and entertaining job of introducing players to wacky item combinations, such as how to make the Sun. We’re here to streamline this process for you before you exhaust your options!
How To Create the Sun in Infinite Craft
You can easily create the Sun in Infinite Craft by combining items using these steps:
- Combine Water and Earth to make a Plant.
- Add Wind to the Plant to make a Dandelion.
- Put Wind and Earth together to make Dust.
- Add Dust to Earth again to create a Planet.
- Combine your Dandelion with a Planet to make the Sun.

This is likely the most direct route you can take from the beginning, and I’ve attached the steps you can take along with their results. Other combinations that can bring you Sun later if you’ve got more options include Star + Fire, Sunflower + Fire, Sunflower + Sea, and more. Ultimately, there are still plenty of discoveries to make that could surprise you.
What Can You Make With the Sun?
Mirroring the Sun’s universal importance here on Earth, it can be used as a springboard to creating an incredible variety of options. Ideas can include:
- Swamp + Sun to make a Lizard.
- Planet + Sun to make a Solar System.
- Sun + Yoda to make Sith.
- Fire + Sun to make Solar.
- Sun + Plant to make a Tree.
You get the idea from there. Once you make the Sun in Infinite Craft, you’ll find it opens all sorts of doors. After all, this game can bring players to unorthodox lengths, such as my discovery of the Missionary Flytrap or my colleague Tom Cunliffe’s discovery of Fat Diabetic Wario.
There’s something to find for everyone, and all it takes is exhausting your options and then mashing together those exhausted options to create unholy abominations. Happy crafting, and may the most cursed creation win!