Believe it or not, Apex Legends will turn 4 years old in the coming days. Apex Legends was a good change and something Battle Royale games needed, and Rewspawn delivered it. Now after 15 seasons, the game will finally get a Team Deathmatch. Here is how to play Team Deathmatch or TDM in Apex Legends.
How to Play Team Deathmatch in Apex Legends
Season 15 of Apex Legends will be done in several days, and Season 16 will arrive on February 14, 2023. The game will change a lot after arriving this season, including the addition of Team Deathmatch mode.
So you won’t be able to play Team Deathmatch right now, and you have to wait for Season 16 to arrive. And that’s not all, this mode won’t be able for the first three weeks, and after that, TDM will be available for all players.
There isn’t match information available regarding how much Apex Legend‘s TDM will differ, but it is confirmed that it will follow the usual rules of this mode. Players will fight each other in a 6v6 match, and the fastest team to reach 30 kills wins the round.
On the other hand, once Team Deathmatch becomes available, the Arenas Mode will be removed from the game. This mode was added to the game back in Season 9, but Respawn stated that Arenas’ number didn’t meet their goals recently, so they decided to change it with TDM.
So once Team Deathmatch arrives in Apex Legends, the Arenas will become unavailable and then removed from the game. Respawn also announced a new mode called Mixtape that will also arrive in Season 16.
Apex Legends Season 16 Revelry: Class, Team Deathmatch, More
This is a mode that will have different modes in itself. This mode will feature Team Deathmatch, Gun Run, and Control once it is launched on March 7. This mode will mostly target players who play all types of modes in Apex Legends and are familiar with them.
But there is also hope that by experiencing this mode, players who only played a specific type of mode give the rest of them a try as well.
Apex Legends is available for PC, PS4, PS5,