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If you’re up for some jogging, it’s time to learn how to get to the Big Apple Ballers Stadium in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Maybe in another Spider-Verse, Peter and Miles are stellar baseball players. But for now, we’ll just play pretend. While you won’t be able to play a full match with them, you can test your skill and speed and get a new trophy for your shelf. In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, there are several trophies and collectibles that you can collect throughout the map. Here’s the step-by-step to get one of the most important ones.
Big Apple Ballers Stadium in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Location

To find the Big Apple Ballers stadium, head to the heart of Brooklyn. You can use your various skills to get there. If you move south from Coney Island, you will find the fairground rides on your left, and in that area, just as shown in the picture, is the stadium.
Big Apple Ballers Stadium Trophy in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Head down to the field level of the stadium and stand in the area where the largest patch of clear dirt is located. If you’re a baseball connoisseur, you already know that this is where you usually bat the ball. If you feel disoriented, you can refer to the image above.
You can choose Miles or Peter to compete for the Big Apple Ballers Stadium in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Once you’ve made your choice, stand in the center of the three white squares. Run to the right and follow the path marked by the white line until you reach the first white base. Then, turn left and continue straight to the next white base. Repeat this process when you reach the third white base. From there, just follow the path marked by the white line until you reach the starting point.
Then, you’ll get a shiny trophy and a cute dialogue line of your Spiderman of choice. The Big Apple Ballers Stadium trophy in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is now yours.
Here’s a quick summary of how to get the Big Apple Ballers Stadium trophy in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2:
- Head to Southwest Coney Island, near the fair.
- Stand on the largest land area inside the Big Apple Ballers Stadium.
- Follow the circuit by sticking to the white lines of the home run.
- Once you reach the starting point, you’ll receive the trophy.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is available on PlayStation 5.