There are many side quests to complete in Baldur’s Gate 3, like Save Arabella. You can pick up this quest within the Sacred Pool area as you approach the entrance. It involves saving Arabella, the thief who has gotten herself in a heap of trouble with the druids. However, rescuing Arabella depends on more than choosing suitable dialogue options; you must roll to save the young Tiefling. However, the difficulty scores of each roll are very high and can be hard to win. Keep reading to learn more about how to save Arabella in Baldur’s Gate 3.
How To Complete the Save Arabella Quest

After completing the Goblin fight on your way to seek a healer, you should head to the entrance of the Sacred Pool. As you approach, you will watch some Druids speaking with a Tiefling couple who seem worried about their daughter, Arabella. Komira confronts Maggran and Jeorna, demanding that Arabella be set free. However, Mino approaches Jeorna and whispers something before she tells you you can pass because Kagha wants to see you. After this point, you will have received the “Save Arabella” quest.
Follow the path farther into the Emerald Grove. You must pass the Stone Door between you and Arabella. When you enter the Emerald Grove, you will witness an interaction between Kagha, Arabella, and Rath. Rath is upset that Kagha is threatening Arabella’s life. Approach and speak to Kagha to attempt to save Arabella in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Attempting a Nature Roll to calm Kagha down has a difficulty class of 15. If you roll below 15, you will fail, and Kagha will get even more irritated with you. Attempting a Persuasion Roll to persuade Kagha to release Arabella also requires a roll of at least 15. If you fail the second roll, the viper will attack Arabella and end her life.
If you have failed to free Arabella, you must go back outside to speak with Arabella’s parents, Komira and Locke. Return to the just outside the stone door and talk with them to tell them what happened to Arabella or to return her to them in order to complete the “Save Arabella” quest in Baldur’s Gate 3.
How To Open the Map, Pan & Zoom
Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available on PC, and PlayStation 5 Consoles.