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Destiny 2’s Superblack Shader is highly sought out, and honestly, just looks really cool. Imagine walking around the Tower and the Hall of Champions and showing off your new shader that legit just makes you look like a walking shadow. There are indeed similar shaders that tend to make your armor look a bit darker than usual, like the Tidesmoke Shader, but none that truly black out your armor and give you that super edgy, dark style that so many of us want. However, getting your hands on the Superblack Shader Keys will take some time and more than a little bit of effort. Let’s take a look at how to unlock the Superblack Shader in Destiny 2.
Where To Get the Superblack Shader in Destiny 2

Like most interesting things in Destiny 2, the Superblack Shader is hidden behind several ranks with Shaxx, himself as well as behind some requirements from Arcite 99-40. Shaxx is stationed within the Hall of Champions, and awaits your progress so that he can provide the Alpha Superblack Key to you. However, that’s not all you’ll need to do. There’s another vendor within the Hall of Champions called Arcite 99-40. Completing ranks with Arcite 99-40 will reward you the Omega Superblack Key. Combined, you’ll use both the Alpha and the Omega Superblack keys to unlock the Superblack Shader in Destiny 2‘s Hall of Champions within a locked room.
How To Get the Superblack Key Alpha

Obtaining the Superblack Key Alpha is as simple as just ranking up with Shaxx in the Hall of Champions. You must increase your rank to Rank 17, which is also the point where you can reset your rank and start over. This can be done by playing Onslaught and completing Bounties with both Shaxx and ARcite 99-40, and quests for Arcite 99-40.
How To Get the Superblack Key Omega

To get the Superblack Key Omega from Arcite 99-40, you only need to complete each of the BRAVE weapon quests. Each of the BRAVE arsenal weapon quests can be picked up from Arcite 99-40 and require you to get a certain amount of kills with a weapon of the same type as the one you’re doing the quest for. For instance, for the Stranger Danger quest, you’ll need to get a certain amount of kills with Pulse Rifles. Every quest is a different type of kills. Once you get all of them return back to Arcite 99-40.
Once you’ve collected both Superblack Keys, you can enter the room in the back of the Hall of Champions to collect and unlock the Superblack Shader.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC,