Title: Insurgency
Version Tested: PC
Available On: PC
Developer: New World Interactive
Publisher: New World Interactive
Genre: Tactical First-Person Shooter
Official Site: New World Interactive
Release Date: January 22, 2014
Where to Buy: Steam
Insurgency is a deep, hardcore first-person shooter that pits two squads against each other on large and lush online maps. For anyone who wants a little more realism and hardcore play for their FPS’ then Insurgency is one of the best out there.
I’ve really fallen off the tracks of loving first person shooters (FPS’) in the last 4-5 years. The last one I really loved was Halo 4, and even then, it was a short-lived relationship of online games with my brother for about 4 months. New World Interactive has done a great job with their take on FPS’ by finding a great balance between realism, simulation, and fast-paced arcade shooter.
By no means is this a fast-paced or arcade-like shooter, but from time to time the tactics needed to survive may shift and twitchy response works in your favor. Anyone familiar with playing online shooters like Counter Strike may find some similar aspects in this game, but Insurgency still carves out its own tactical path in the PC shooter space.

Players are dropped into a map with two teams fighting for possession of a number of spawn points and targets. Nothing new in modes like this, but its the beauty of the way you’re forced to stay alive that makes Insurgency really shine. There’s no set cover mechanic in the game (to its advantage and disadvantage I found), but staying hidden while firing upon the enemy is the key to staying alive longer than 45 seconds. Death strikes from all corners and distances in this game, adding to the games credit and detriment.
It’s great to see a game venture away from players becoming bullet sponges match after match, but at times, the almost single-bullet-deaths were very frustrating. I won’t knock the game too much on that note, though, I know I’m just not that great at the game. Although the lack of great cover mechanics seemed to always work against me. The difference in a game like Insurgency, it felt deliberate as there are tons of nooks and crannies, windows and walls, and bunkers and ditches to hide in. Each map is much richer with choice and opportunity compared to most online FPS’.

The overall presentation of Insurgency is great. As you can see from the screenshot above, touches like a focused scope view look real pretty. Touches like this just add to the simulation-like feel of the game and add to its intensity as well. My favorite part of the game, the sound design. As bullets zip past you and ricochet off of walls, the sounds are spot on with “dings and pops,” while your vision becomes slightly blurred and you race for cover.
Working as a team is critical in the game as well. Going off to “flank” on the far left of the map on your own is sure to lead to a quick death. There isn’t an explicit explanation that teamwork is key, but after playing a few matches I needed to shift my approach and focus to methodically work as a team with my fellow soldiers. It’s one of those unspoken aspects of online hardcore games like Insurgency I really appreciate and honestly miss in most modern games.
Customization is a big part of the gameplay as well. The brightest spots come from the way you can tweak your gun each and every round. Each gun and mod are based on a point system that allows you to swap in an out something like a scope or muzzle on your M4, to wearing bulked up armor or carrying more grenades. All of these options slowly add up to making your class and approach to the current match different.
One of the nice touches the game has, caters to newer players in a solo and co-op mode. You’ll be placed on a map just like the online experience, and partnered up with a team of online players. While the AI isn’t the best, they tend to run out in the open and wait to get shot every once and a while, it’s still a good way to play around with the game’s mechanics and gun mods.
As previously mentioned, Insurgency is a nice breath of fresh air and a great throw-back to a more hardcore time of online competitive shooters. With a lower price point, it’s a great chance to head into a digital war in an intense online battle.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6zUUASvEwU[/embedyt]
- Gameplay: Hardcore and fairly unforgiving first-person tactical shooter
- Graphics: A mix between older PC FPS’ and newer titles. Nothing that wowed me
- Sound: One of the best aspects of the game. Bullets zipping by and squadmates yelling and hollering bring you right into the action
- Presentation: Overall a great package. The lighting, map design, and sound make up for what is a fairly unimpressive game graphically