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Adventuring in the wilds of Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be a perilous affair for new players. There are dangerous beasts and long stretches of wilderness that can break unproven Arisen down. However, there are plenty of tools and trinkets you can pick up to make your journey easier, with no MTX required. Here are 6 items you should buy ASAP in Dragon’s Dogma 2!
6. Ring of Accrual

This item is available at most Armory locations along with various stores, namely Bjorn’s Armory in Vernworth. This increases your carrying capacity by about +8.725%. This is an impressive bump when you stack it upon buffs granted by using Golden Trove Beetles.
It’s also a cheap ring (6500G) yet monumentally useful for any player, keeping your carry load light and your stamina unaffected.
5. Modest Camping Kit

An example of a worthwhile investment while considering the risks, the Modest Camping Kit is vital early on. While there are quickly other variants such as region-specific ones you’ll want for more dangerous locales, this is your foothold. At only 500G, it’s a total bargain and found at most early-game stores, and one you should send to your main pawn because these kits are heavy.
4. Marcher’s Armor Set

While technically two items, this still stands among things you should buy ASAP when starting in Dragon’s Dogma 2. They’re relatively cheap and can save you headaches when trying to infiltrate Vernworth’s castle in case you haven’t found the gear elsewhere. It lets you blend in and potentially not draw aggro, something you’ll appreciate when helping Brant in the main story.
This gear is cheap, though, with the Helm being 1220G, and the Armor being 2050G at Philbert’s Sundries in Vernworth. It’s affordable for a reason, as it’s largely ceremonial gear, and will quickly be outclassed early on.
3. Ring of Tenacity

Stamina is such a valuable stat in Dragon’s Dogma 2 that this ring, found at Celeste’s Smithy in Checkpoint Rest Town, is crucial. It increases your max Stamina which, for magic-users and melee fighters alike, can keep you from tuckering out when the moment counts. At 3000G, it’s far from the most expensive thing you’ll see at these stores as you brave the border to Battahl.
2. Beastren Mask

The Beastren Mask is your quick ticket across the border once you get Brant’s initial letter of passage. Why? Because the letter is meant for Beastren, so you must look like one to pass if you’re not one. It’s an annoying 8000G expense, but worthwhile as opposed to the many (admittedly amusing) roundabout ways you can cross illegally. You can purchase these at Ibrahim’s Scrap Store at Checkpoint Rest Town!
1. Ferrystones

Much like I discussed before, Ferrystones are invaluable purchases that you should keep stockpiled when possible. They’re eventually the most efficient fast travel method once you get enough Portcrystals.
However, prices for this can vary, so consider Ibrahim’s Scrap Store at Checkpoint Rest Town for a modest bargain. They normally cost 10000G, but with Ibrahim, you can get them for 8000G!