Jurassic World reinvigorates a franchise that was thought long dead. After the lackluster reception of the first two sequels to Jurassic Park, director Colin Trevarrow decides to ignore those films and only reference the first movie. There is much to love about Jurassic World despite its flaws.
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Jurassic World’s story is pretty good, but not great. There is a lot of world building for possible sequels with some of it more questions than answers. This will bother some people particularly when it comes to the company InGen’s involvement.
Some of the acting also does fall flat. Bryce Dallas Howard’s Claire is tried to be made off to be this strong leader of a woman, but her character just jumps all over the place. Even Ty Simpkins (Iron Man 3) and Nick Robinson that play Claire’s nephews aren’t all the intriguing though they can be a nice comedic relief.
On the otherhand Chris Pratt steals the spotlight again, this time as raptor trainer Owen. He is a likable character and is the voice of reason. Irrfan Khan (Amazing Spider-man) does well playing CEO Simon Misrani alongside Vincent D’Onofrio who plays a key player with InGen. Giving a sense of continuity, B.D. Wong returns playing Dr. Henry Wu from the first film. He borders on a mad scientist and people will kind of wish he had more screen time.
Speaking of Dr. Henry Wu, there are many callbacks to Jurassic Park in Jurassic World. Unlike some other franchises that like to throw references into your face, Jurassic World does well to make the throwbacks subtle. Most of them will bring a smile to your face. Fans of the franchise will have a lot to like about this movie.
Then there is the soundtrack. Sorry, no John Williams this time around. Michael Giachhino though stays true to John Williams Jurassic Park score in Jurassic World. The original theme makes a comeback in a newer way, with even a nice touch of The Lost World video game theme (which Giachino scored) makes a brief appearance.
The special effects hold up pretty well in Jurassic World. To those who were worried about the CGI shown in the trailers, can rest easy that they were improved. Though there are still some times where you can definitely tell it was CGI. The dino action though holds up, with the final 30 minutes being a huge treat for everyone.
Despite having some bumps in it’s acting and story, Jurassic World is a worthy sequel to Jurassic Park. Most fans will come to enjoy Jurassic World and even some new ones.