In a move that is sure to excite children of the 90’s DC and Boom! Studios have announced something big. DC characters have crossed over with lots of series before yet never this one. January 2017 will see the start of a Justice League/Power Rangers crossover.
Few saw Justice League/Power Rangers coming, yet the timing isn’t surprising in the least. Unless you’ve been wasting your life by not visiting The Nerd Stash you’ll know both have big budget movies coming. DC and, Power Ranger’s owners, Saban clearly want to drum up interest ahead of time.
While there have been lots of Power Ranger teams, fans will recognise the suits of the original ‘Mighty, Morphin’ team. Meanwhile, the JL line-up consists of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Cyborg and Green Lantern. As for the plot, here is part of the official press release.
“Something terrible has happened in Angel Grove when the Power Rangers’ Command Center is breached and the teleporters are damaged! Zack the Black Ranger is flung into an alternate universe full of citizens possessing outrageous powers and wearing strange costumes. Will Jason the Red Ranger, Trini the Yellow Ranger, Kimberly the Pink Ranger, Billy the Blue Ranger and Tommy the Green Ranger be able to get to Zack in time to save him from Batman?”

The six-issue miniseries is being written by Tom Taylor (Injustice: Gods Among Us). Its artist is Stephen Byrne (Justice League Of America Rebirth: The Ray). Justice League/Power Rangers also will have bonus covers based on one League member and one Ranger.
- Batman/Pink Ranger by Dan Hipp
- Cyborg/Blue Ranger by Dustin Nguyen
- The Flash/Black Ranger by Yasmine Putri
- Green Lantern John Stewart/Yellow Ranger by Marguerite Sauvage
- Superman/Green Ranger by Chris Sprouse
- Wonder Woman/Red Ranger by Marcus To
Stay tuned to The Nerd Stash for more info as it comes.