Nintendo has launched a dedicated website for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Visitors to the site are first presented with the game’s sword logo before the words “Wake up Link” flutter onto the screen. The website fades in, displaying footage of Link running, chopping, swimming, flipping, hunting, fighting, and blasting his way around Hyrule. From there, visitors can learn about the game, the compatible amiibo (of which no new details are revealed, sadly), and even pre-order the game from available stores.
By now, we’ve seen Link running through grassy fields, exploring shrines with the Sheikah tablet, running through more grassy fields, firing arrows at Bokoblins, and running through grassy fields. Fans and newcomers won’t find anything truly new on the site right now, it’s more of a collection of everything we’ve seen and heard up to this point. There is, however, one tiny detail brought over to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild from the original Legend of Zelda that even hardcore veterans might have missed:

New info might be on the way soon, however. The 2016 Game Awards begin tomorrow (as of this writing), and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is scheduled to demonstrate some new gameplay. Don’t be too concerned about spoilers, however. No way something like that’d be allowed to go on. That being said, we still don’t know what kind of gameplay we’re going to see, or even if Link will finally get off that darn plateau. Neither has a release date been confirmed (again, as f this writing), but certain sources such as Eurogamer believe it will be summer 2017, just missing the launch of the Switch.
What are you most excited about for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? Anything you don’t like? Leave a comment and get the conversation and probable flame wars going!