The Legend of Zelda manga, specifically the Twilight Princess installment, released in Japan earlier this year. This series consists of four volumes and is being translated and localized by Viz Media. The manga will hit western shores sometime in March 2017, which coincidentally is around the same time the NX and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will arrive. However, other regions are on schedule to receive the Twilight Princess manga sooner. Germany will see it in November, and there are also plans to release it in French and Spanish.
Previous games in the Zelda series have seen less extensive manga coverage. Ocarina of Time’s adaptation consisted of two volumes, while Majora’s Mask lasted only one. A Link to the Past received three plus one separate book, the Oracle games each had one, and Link’s Awakening saw two. Wind Waker surprisingly only released a single volume, Four Swords got two (four would have been better), and Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass featured one volume each. With the release of Hyrule Historia, the first 32 pages of the Skyward Sword manga told the prequel story to the game itself.

The German edition of the Zelda manga is currently priced at six-and-a-half Euros for one volume, which translates to a little over $7 in the U.S. Whether that pricing will remain consistent or be adjusted for the English edition is unknown, but a $7.99 price tag seems in line with our retailing habits. Each volume is also expected to be released in two-week intervals. Unfortunately, as the manga is licensed, the Japanese version is not available to be read online, so fans in the west who are unable to wait until next year will have to import the books.
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