It seems Lobo may finally be on his way to the big screen thanks to the hiring of a new writer for the film. A Lobo film has long been in the works but has hit several snags along the way and has never come to fruition. In 2012 director Brad Peyton was attached to the film with Dwayne “Rock” Johnson set to play Lobo. Unfortunately, the film seemed to be pushed to the side so DC could work on mainstream characters like Batman and Superman while Peyton and Johnson later went on to make San Andres together. The new writer is Jason Fuchs who also happens to be the screenwriter for the new Wonder Woman film. It is said he will be starting from scratch and providing his own unique take on the character.
Lobo first appeared back in 1983 in the comics as a minor villain but later went on to have his own ongoing series which was geared towards mature readers. Lobo works as an interstellar bounty hunter and mercenary who possess extraordinary strength as well as an increased healing factor. He is ruthless and always completes his contract no matter the cost…unless of course he gets a counter contract for more money.
The most popular version of the character appears as a hulking biker however, the “New 52” comics appear to show a younger and smaller Lobo. It’s rumored that the film version of Lobo will be closer to the “New 52” version opposed to the previous biker version. It would no doubt be difficult to find an actor with such size to play the character. With Dwayne Johnson now slated to play Black Adam, it is unlikely he would still be considered for the role.

Are you excited to see Lobo on the big screen finally? Would you like to see him interact with the Justice League film universe? Be sure to let us know in the comments below and check back for future updates.