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Mama June: Family Crisis fans have noticed that Justin Stroud has greatly changed since he first got together with Mama June Shannon. He no longer stands back in the shadows and does as he is told. But now it looks as if he is the one giving the orders. So fans need to know: What is up with Justin?
Justin Stroud Gets Blasted by Mama June Fans for His Harsh Treatment of Kaitlyn
Mama June Shannon’s husband, Justin Stroud, is harsh with June’s grandaughter, Kaitlyn Cardwell. During a recent live, Justin scolded Kaitlyn for wanting to sleep in the living room.

The Mama June: Family Crisis star stopped during his livestream to scold Kaitlyn, telling her she is not sleeping in the living. He told her it was not normal and that he had told her before that she was to sleep in her room like a normal person.
Some livestream viewers did not care how Justin Stroud talked to Kaitlyn. For those who may not know, Kaitlyn is one of June Shannon’s late daughter, Anna Cardwell’s daughters. June now has temporary custody of Kaitlyn, while her sister, Kylee Cardwell, now lives with her biological father, Michael.
Fans began questioning Justin Stroud, asking what was wrong with her sleeping in the living room. Justin explained that they had put together a brand-new bedroom for Kaitlyn. They bought all new furniture, and he expected her to sleep in the room like a normal person.
Taking Control From Mama
Justin Stroud’s TikTok Live comment section soon began filling up with fans’ comments. Most disagreed with how Justin handled the situation. He also made a point to say once someone finds out she is sleeping in the living room, then they all get branded as “pieces of s**t.”
It was awkward, and his followers let him know they felt he was wrong.
Oddly enough, this is not the first time Justin Stroud has seemingly exerted authority regarding the Mama June Shannon family or reality series. Recently, Justin made a big production on social media, saying the Mama June: Family Crisis show is just as much his as anyone else’s.
Many of Mama June’s followers question Justin Stroud’s new attitude. They are curious how the other family members feel about his new assertive personality. Right now, no one understands the change in Justin. But some clearly state that Mama June Shannon should stand up for her granddaughter Kaitlyn. They feel she should allow some leniency and sympathy for everything the child has been through. Do you think Justin Stroud is overstepping?