As the saying goes, ‘You learn something new every day.’ Sometimes, however, you’ll learn a lot more than you had originally bargained for. One airplane technician teaches viewers how to reuse zip ties, which can typically only be used once, while also adding some additional Lord of the Rings flair.
TikTok user airplanefactswithmax, known as Max, posted a video from the inside of an airplane showing viewers a neat trick for reusing zip ties. In the video, he takes a normal zip tie and pulls it through, locking it in place. He then takes a pair of pliers and squeezes the opening where the zip tie is pulled through. With the opening squeezed, he is able to easily open the zip tie up again for use.
To better explain what he did with the zip tie, he compares it to a moment in the Lord of the Rings franchise when Samwise Gamgee removes his elvish robe. The comparison very quickly turns into an info dump of what is clearly his favorite franchise.
Whenever Max does a video detailing a fact about airplanes, he typically throws in a comparison to Lord of the Rings, though he failed to do so the last time he did this video. So, naturally, he redid the video. Because Max’s page is dedicated to providing viewers with airplane facts, many of his viewers watch him just to learn useful things about aviation.
Personally, I follow him because I think he’s both incredibly informative and does a great job at info-dumping without stuttering. That takes some real skill.