Two new maps and masterminds have been revealed for Resident Evil: Resistance. So, there’s Alex Wesker and Ozwell E. Spencer, the two playable characters. Capcom says Alex will have more traps than other Masterminds.
Elsewhere, there’s an abandoned horror-themed park and casino for the purpose of challenging survivors. So, onto the masterminds, Wesker has the ability to set up barriers against survivors. For example, there’s her plant-based bioweapon Yateveo.
Yateveo can be placed in front of an objective to create trouble for survivors. Meanwhile, Resident Evil 3 and Resistance producer Peter Fabiano spoke to Playstation Blog, keen to find out how players would use the bioweapon.

“You’ve got a few plant-based enemies in the Resident Evil series. Plant 42, Ivy, and the Huge Plant from the Outbreak games, for example.”
“Yateveo doesn’t take direct influence from any of them – or maybe it indirectly does from all of them – but we thought it would be interesting to have a Mastermind use a creature that’s fixed in one spot,” Fabiano said.
The producer further added: “This could add a layer of strategy to how Masterminds could play.”

However, Ozwell does not have a bioweapon. Instead, Spencer can put down a Disintegration Field. As a result, he can inflict huge damage on survivors. Plus, the field will not affect creatures and has the advantage of a shorter cooldown rate.
“The cooldown is much shorter than other bioweapons, and only does damage to the Survivors – the creatures he places are unaffected,” Fabiano said.
Spencer will constantly re-direct the Survivors, and use this to his advantage. As a result, it’ll change the pacing of gameplay and wear down the Survivors over time.
Resident Evil 3 is due out on April 3 for PC, PS4 and