Super exciting news for fans of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Materia Collective has announced they are releasing a new album titled FATE: A Tribute to Majora’s Mask. The collection contains 79-tracks comprised of arrangements from the legendary title for the Nintendo 64.
The album will be divided into three parts, The First Day, with tracks covering “the anxiety and elation” of the first visit to Clock Town, The Second Day, a selection representing “the denial and doubt that the moon is falling into the Earth”, and The Final Day, a shorter but more intense set of pieces focusing on both “the dread of the end and the glimmer of hope that still shines in the world’s final moments”.
“The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask stands out because, more than any game in the franchise, it dealt with the positive and negative issues that human beings constantly face – grief, death, the passage of time, fear, rejection, and temptation, but also friendship, reconciliation, perseverance, justice, hope, and love. These themes made for a unique storytelling experience. The game’s musical direction incorporates sounds and instruments typically used in Chinese opera, and explores minimalist styles; neither typically found in Zelda soundtracks. Our favorite moments are the boss pieces and the final encounter with Majora.” comment album producers Sam and Peter Bobinski.
“Cherry Blossoms Outside ClockTown” is a refreshing re-imagining of the Clock Town theme, combining elements of orchestral, funk, and Japanese folk music to create a beautiful and mysterious atmosphere. “Nova Onda Bossa” is the debut of Materia Brasilis, an ensemble dedicated to arranging game music in the styles of Brazilian music. Laura Intravia’s “The True Face” is a choral and orchestral tour-de-force depicting the final battle of the game, taking the listener through an intense musical journey.
Those Legend of Zelda fans interested in the tribute album can find it on Bandcamp and Spotify for around $20.