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As tradition dictates, Metaphor: ReFantazio also has a daily gameplay schedule where the protagonist can perform up to two activities. These activities range from reading books to exploring the city to upgrading Royal Virtues or going dungeon-delving if there’s one available. Since there are so many things to do in the game and everyone’s bound for a 100-hour RPG, making the best out of your days will let you tackle everything during one run. So, we’ve tried our best to put a daily schedule together to help you reach completion or at least get the most relevant aspects of the story.
Before I go into detail, there are a few things I want to clarify, so take this as a disclaimer of sorts. Getting a daily schedule that leads to a 100% completion rate in Metaphor: ReFantazio for the first time is challenging. Most of what’s in this guide is tailored toward experiencing what the story has to offer, which means companion storylines, maximum bond ranks, etc. When I did it initially, I didn’t have a 100% completion rate in mind, but I will surely return to ReFantazio to update the daily schedule aimed toward completionist players. Also, I will not include any in-depth dungeon guides or boss strategies, as I want to focus on the bigger aspects without spoiling much. So, without further ado, let’s dive into it.
[Updated on October 26, 2024 – Completed the guide with the game’s last days]
To make the ride a bit smoother, I will divide the daily schedule of Metaphor: ReFantazio by months and then list what I did every day. Since June is the game’s first month, expect a lot of hand-holding before being able to travel around the city or explore dungeons. There are a few days where you can’t do anything, but once the game opens up, you’re in for a treat.

Tutorial and arrival to the city. Join the guard. There isn’t a lot you can do today, but follow the main story and familiarize yourself with some of the systems. After completing all tasks, end the day.

The first boss fight and your Archetype awakening. Again, nothing else you can do today. However, you’ll get a taste of your first dungeon and unlock the class-like system.

You’ll head to the mine dungeon, get a second Archetype, unlock Akademia, unlock Mage Archetype, and unlock the ability to change Archetypes. Calendar option unlocks. Unlock Magla Hollows (safehouses like Persona 5). A mandatory boss fight and an optional encounter with a Dragon. I recommend doing the latter to get a great weapon for the Warrior Archetype.

Nothing relevant happens, just a cutscene of the heroes getting a ride. You’ll skip three days here, so nothing will occur until 06/10.

Head to the Inn for dialogue and cutscenes. Unlock the Healer Archetype. A bit of a restrictive day, so just follow the main story.

You will get the first More Task, which is leveling Healer to Rank 10. Learn about Inheriting Skills, which allows players to use skills from other Archetypes in others. For example, Healer skills in Seeker. However, it costs MAG, but only once. After you unlock the skill, you can swap it freely. Ability to exchange MAG for money. Anxiety status explained. Cathedral Dungeon. Unlocks Synthesis Skills and Knight Archetype for Hulkenberg. Grius Boss Fight. Hulkenberg joins the party. This is a long day, so if you have money, buy as many items as possible because there are some tough fights here.
Here’s where your days allow you to do two activities, so I’ll divide the daily schedule of Metaphor: ReFantazio as such unless the story calls for a different approach.

Day: You can now fulfill requests (quests) and use the hover-sword. First, take the Request: Pagan’s Dilemma – Purchase Breath of Fresh Air from St. Fermis Church on Sunlumeo Street (5-day deadline); the medicine costs 500 inside the Church. You can Purify items in the Church after reaching Wisdom 2 (Informed). You can obtain the medicine anytime without passing the time. Deliver it, and continue with your day. After that, head to any store to learn about appraising items. Unlock informants, who sell information about creatures’ weaknesses and other things. Find the Man in Pain and hand him over a Medicinal Herb; you’ll get a Hero’s Incense as a reward. I recommend picking any of the activities that increase your Virtues during the day.

Night: You can help Fabienne with cooking, giving you either a dish or a Tolerance boost. You can visit Gloamhall, the magic shop selling scrolls for elemental damage or powerful accessories. Remember to pick the Request: Help the Hushed Honeybee – Help the Honeybee at night and return to the NPC for 2,000 Reeve, Magla Pill x3, and an increase in Wisdom. (8-day deadline/June 19). You can talk to the Igniter Merchantress for a quest, but you need Wisdom 2 (Informed) to get it. I recommend sitting on the bench next to her to increase Wisdom and start working your way toward Rank 2.

Day: Head to the Activist Woman again to raise your Eloquence and get a Fairy Dust.

Night: Go and help Fabienne to increase your Tolerance and complete the Help the Hushed Honeybee request. After you deliver it, you should have enough Wisdom to start the Igniter Merchantress quest.

Day: Report the Help the Hushed Honeybee request and go meet the Igniter Merchantress. At this point, you can also head to the Church to start Purifying items. Remember to check the Coronation Rock for your daily MAG. If you forget it, it’ll accumulate for other days. You can also head to the stall to get Redgrass to cook. Accept the “A Bullish Embargo” request from Brigitta. It rewards a Pious Igniter, an Increase in Courage, and 7500 Reeve (No deadline). You can head to the Belega Corridor on the same day without passing the time. However, the final boss is level 22, so you might want to go in, get treasure, and leave to gain more levels. You can return later. I recommend doing this to get loot and earn money but don’t face the first boss just yet.

Night: Rest at an inn and finish the day.
Day: If you have any items to purify, you can do so. This is also a good day to stock up on supplies since all stores have discounts. Also, you can either continue leveling up your Royal Virtues or head to the main story Dungeon (Necromancer Takedown). If not, this is a good time to speak with the Masked Mustari Man to increase your Tolerance.
Night: Stay at the inn and cook some food ahead of the main story dungeon.

Day: This is a good day to go into the dungeon, so prepare your Archetypes and skills and head in. You’ll get a quest as soon as you enter: A Friend in Need. You can unlock the Brawler archetype by following this dungeon. Depending on how skilled you are, you might be able to finish the dungeon in one go. However, with so few MP restoration items, it is better to take a break. Return to the city.
Night: Rest and end the day.

Day: Restock and head to the dungeon again. Teleport to the last Magla Hollow you unlocked (Altar Chamber). Complete the dungeon, and you’ll be given another urgent quest. It is a tough boss fight, but you’ll start with full HP and MP.
Night: Nothing you can do but let the cutscenes play.

Day: There are a few days before the next big event, so I recommend taking it slow, grabbing bounties, or speaking with your supporters. I picked the latter and spoke with Hulkenberg. Before you do so, you can grab the first Bounty at the Recruitment Office.
Night: Grab the new piece of information from the inn’s informant and help Fabienne in the kitchen to increase your Tolerance.

Day: This is the perfect time to return to the first optional dungeon (Belega Corridor) and take down the boss.
Night: Since it was dungeon day, just rest.

Day: Discount day, so go and restock first. Head to Brigitta to complete the quest and unlock her shop and the Merchant archetype. Time will pass, so only do this after you do your other activities that don’t pass the time.
Night: Finish the day by helping Fabienne in her kitchen. At this point, you should get Tolerance 2 (Open-Minded).
Day: You should speak with Strohl to increase your bond with him and pass the time until night.
Night: Pick any of the activities that increase your virtues before ending the day.

Day: The day will start with a cutscene and a few revelations for our characters. After that, you’ll need to find Maria, who recently escaped her room. This is the only activity you can do today.
Day: You’re off to the recruitment center to join the Tournament for the Throne. Let the cutscenes play out. Accept the story-related contract and let time pass. You can only do this today.

Day: Many cutscenes, explanations, character introductions, and your personal Gauntlet Runner. Explore your mobile base and use any of the facilities. I recommend either doing laundry for an MP boost or cleaning for an HP boost. Contrary to that, you can read a book to boost your Imagination or Eloquence, so pick whichever you want the most. I picked the book-reading activity here.

Night: Your introduction to camping. You can use the Runner’s facilities again or speak with your allies for a virtue boost. You can pick whichever you want the most. I spoke with Hulkenberg this day.

Day: Another day in the Gauntlet Runner. I recommend speaking with allies or reading books to increase your virtues. There’s not much you can do outside of that. You’ll also stumble upon a place that increases your virtues and gets you a memento you can give back to Maria when you return to the Capital.
Night: Spend time at the camp doing whatever you prefer or speaking with your allies.

Day: You’ll encounter two contestants fighting on their Gauntlet Runners and will be boarded by Captain Gideaux. Defeat his guards first. Watch the cutscenes play out.
Night: Speak with Neuras to obtain a new quest you can do once you arrive at your destination. You can’t do anything else at night.

Day: A bunch of cutscenes and not much else to do.
Night: Explore the inn and head to bed.

Day: You must head to the castle. However, you can buy new weapons, armor, and consumables on the way. After you enter the castle, listen to the dialogue, find the merchant, and finish the day.

Day: Your next deadline is on July 2, but you can now teleport between cities without passing the time. You can use this time to grab more bounties, head back to the desert to complete the first contract you grabbed, and find other requests. You can return to the Capital and give Maria the drawing. There’s also an option to spend time with her to increase your bond with her (Healer).
Night: Return to Martira to grab a few new quests and bounties. Most quests need to be done during the day, so return to Brigitta for the next assignment.

Day: It’s the discount day, so go and purchase everything you need for your next quests. Since it is the day, I recommend heading to any of your bounties. The one in the desert should work. Remember that doing any bounties will end the day since you can’t do anything at night.
There are many new things to do this month, and contrary to June, it opens up our daily schedule in Metaphor: ReFantazio. The first days will move fast as they are story-related, but there are many side activities you can do in the following weeks.

Day: Hand in the Bounty for your reward at any Recruitment Center. You can return to the Capital to grab a new quest. Its deadline is by the end of July, so you have plenty of time. Now is a good time to visit Komero to complete two of your requests. During the trip, you can do one activity on the Runner or speak with your allies. Neuras’ quest unlocks the Gunner archetype. You can also buy the Pidgeon Parcel for the other request. Do so and return to Martira.
Night: Do any of the activities in town. If you want to recover Grius’ memento, I recommend increasing your Imagination.
Day: Time to leave for your big quest. Head to the Gauntlet Runner. Choose one activity to do. You can hone your weapons with Strohl, which will likely give you Courage Rank 2.

Night: You’ll obtain a new drawing for Maria. After a quick cutscene, someone will board your Runner; defeat them to progress. After that, pick your night activity. I recommend going for one that further increases your Imagination.

Day: The day will start with a boss fight that will turn into a dungeon with a time limit. Complete it before the timer runs out. After that, you can enter yet another dungeon. You’ll learn about the effects of weather and how they affect monsters. The dungeon isn’t long, but there’s a bit of loot. Grab it, engage with the boss fights, and let the story play out.
Night: Return to the inn and end the day.
Day: The day begins with story-related things. There’s not much to do but follow the main quest.

Night: You’ll enter a story-related dungeon here; there’s nothing else to do in town but restock and head to the main quest’s location. A new companion will join your team, and you’ll unlock the Thief archetype. Win the encounters and let the cutscenes play out to finish the day.

Day: You have twelve days before the main quest’s deadline (July 16). Now is the perfect chance to get a few levels, improve your archetypes, and complete some quests. I recommend speaking to followers if you have any conversations pending. Also, if you have Imagination at Rank 2, return to the Pompous Man to continue the quest. You can prioritize this one and head to the tomb now. Restock if needed since there are discounts today, buy the new information at the tavern, and head out. You’ll likely encounter an enemy Runner when traveling to the tomb, so prepare for a quick fight.
Night: Time to pick one activity. I recommend finishing the Pride and Persuasion book for another boost in Eloquence.

Day: You can only do one activity inside the Runner, so choose carefully. I recommend cleaning for an HP or MP increase if that’s what you need. If not, go for another boost of Imagination by reading the other book. After that, it is time to enter the dungeon, so set your Archetypes, edit your party’s formation, and head inside.
Night: Since it was dungeon day, rest up and end the day.

Day: Speak with Cuculus/Alonzo to deliver the item and complete the quest. This will pass the time but will get you the Faker Archetype.
Night: Return to the Capital and grab the new Bounty. Then, head toward Brigitta for the next assignment.
Day: There are still a few days left before the main quest’s deadline, so you can go and visit Maria to hand over the new drawing, increasing your bond with her.
Night: You can do one activity, so pick whichever you prefer. In my case, I went with a boost of Courage.

Day: To prepare for the main quest, today is the perfect day to go to the Imp’s Den. Restock if needed and head toward the dungeon. You can do one activity in the Gauntlet Runner, so pick what you want the most. You can finish any of the books or speak with Strohl to increase your Courage. If you’ve been following the guide, this dungeon should be easy enough. The boss fight is simple, and you can use Synthesis skills to bring it down fast. Whatever you do, focus on the boss only during the fight.
Night: Return to town and end the day.

Date: Hand in the Imp’s Den quest. You can go and talk to Maria, but I recommend entering the Cathedral instead for some more experience and loot before heading into the main quest’s next dungeon. You’ll also get another quest outside the Catacombs, which tasks you with gathering eight Mortaskulls, so you can tackle two quests in one. Once you exit the dungeon, you can turn in the Mortaskulls’ quest.
Night: Return to the inn and end the day.

Day: With better loot, you should be able to do the main quest now with ease. Head to the starting location and prepare for a dungeon. This is the most challenging dungeon so far, so bring a lot of healing items, MP restoration potions, and so on. Also, you won’t get time at night after this, so get ready for a long day.
Day: If you’ve followed this guide, you have five free days before going to the next location. I recommend speaking to every follower who has a conversation during this time. If you haven’t, speak with Strohl to increase his bond and pass the time.
Night: Heismay will become available for conversation, so it is a good idea to use this time to bond with him.
Day: Another day you can spend with your followers. You should have Hulkenberg and Maria available; pick whomever you want.
Night: Brigitta seems to be available for conversation at night, so it is a good idea to check on her.
Day: You should have more companions to talk to, so pick your favorite.
Night: There aren’t companions to talk to tonight, so pick an activity that would raise your Virtues.
Day: If you haven’t checked it, Bardon should be available to talk at the town square. You’ll unlock the Commander Archetype after speaking with him.
Night: Brigitta is available for yet another conversation tonight, so go visit her.

Day: Since you’ve likely spoken to all companions, you can do the Man-eater Bounty now. It only takes a day, so you should be back in town to continue the main story. If you’re on the Runner, you should plant your first seed to get Hero’s Fruit later. Inside the dungeon, Gallica will sense one of Neuras’ relics, so keep an eye out for it.
Night: Return to town and rest up.
Day: Time to hit the road. Gauntlet Runner activities have opened up, so read, talk, or increase stats as you see fit.
Night: You now have the ability to bathe. If you have bathing salts, use them to increase your stats. However, it is better to go and hand in Neuras’ quest.
Day: After handing in Neuras’ quest the night before, head to the engine room and look at the journal for the next relic clue. After that, time’s yours to spend as you see fit. Also, remember to cook during the day; with your passive skill, you can cook once per day without passing the time.
Night: If you don’t have other books to read or companions to talk to, it might be a good time to use the bath. Remember to use the bathing salts.
Day: Last day inside the Runner. Cook before you do anything else, and then pick an activity. There is a new book on board, so it might be good to read it.
Night: This is a good time to take another bath and use more of your salts.

Day: Welcome to Brilehaven! You know the drill. Restock and purchase new items. You can only explore a bit today. Continue the story, and the day will end.
Day: The Exhibition of the Brave is finally here. Let the cutscenes play out, and enjoy. There’s nothing else you can do today.
Day: Story-focused day. Head to the location and watch everything unfold. Nothing else you can do today.
Day: It’s time for a heist and not a heart-related one. I won’t spoil it, but you’ll get instructions on completing the new operation. Since you must complete certain things in a certain number of turns, it is better to level up as much as possible before attempting anything. Before you decide to do anything, do what is usual in a new town: grab new quests, buy information from the informants, restock, etc.
You can also grab and complete the “Efflorescent Youth” quest without passing the time, so do that. Since you’ll want to be ready for the infiltration, it is better to do things outside of the city first, which will net you a few levels. However, checking the weather before leaving is important, as it can affect your combat. In my case, there was bad weather during the days I’d hit the dungeons, so I took this day to stay in town and speak with my comrades.
Night: Brigitta will be available to talk tonight, so you might as well go there and talk to her.
Day: The weather is starting to improve on the road, but I still recommend you wait and speak to your comrades today. Maria should be available.
Night: Since the weather was bad for me today, I visited the MAG Exchange to get Reeve. The rate should be great since you are at Rank 6 with Brigitta. After that, do an activity that would raise any of your virtues; a debate at the podium should be a good idea.

Day: Today is the perfect day to hit the road. Restock before leaving since there are discounts all over the place and head to your Gauntlet Runner. Head toward the Forsaken Tower, as you’ll pass through many places on the way. Head to the Runner, cook a meal and speak to any of your companions.
Night: It is nighttime, so you can choose between reading a book or speaking with your companions. If you have someone who’s available for a rank boost, go and pick that one.
Day: There isn’t a lot to do before your next stop, so read a book and pass the time. You’ll approach Gracia Forest if you take the recommended route. Stop there for the quest.
Night: Quest finished, and it was time to set up camp. If you still have salts, a bath could be a good idea.
Day: Time to hit the road again. Choose the same route as before, the one with the enemy Gauntlet Runners, which leads to the tower. Hulkenberg should be available for a conversation today, so go ahead and see her.
Night: After the Runner battle, pick a book to read and finish the day.
Day: There isn’t a lot to do today, so go and wash clothes for an MP boost. You’ll get another visitor on your Runner; defeat them and head to the dungeon. To save yourself some time, you can head to town after this dungeon and visit Inundo the next day.
Night: End the day at the inn.
Day: Head to Inundo for the Dental Distress quest; you can return to town on the same day. Purchase as many things as possible from here.
Night: Return to town to hand in the quest and speak with Heismay for another rank increase.

Day: There’s still one quest left to do, but the weather won’t help with the Tomb of Lament, so better wait for that. Instead, it is time to pursue the main quest. If you haven’t, head to the Arenafront Wharf; you can start handing Gold Beetles to the old man. Head inside the Coliseum to find the pompous man for the deed. After choosing the right options, get the deed and hand in the quest.
Now, it is time to pursue the main quest. Head toward the Charadrius and enter. Most of the quests that involve collecting keys will activate once inside the dungeon. However, most encounters need to be finished in a set number of turns, so read the information of every enemy and prepare ahead of the fight. One thing I can recommend is heading to the Port Corridor first, as it is the easier fight. After gathering all the keys and securing the infiltration route, the dungeon run will end automatically, sending you to the inn to wrap the day up.
It’s one of the most crucial months in the game so far, and that’s all I’ll say to avoid spoilers. In case it hasn’t been clear enough, this daily schedule guide for Metaphor: ReFantazio isn’t tailored toward the 100% completionist rate. While I’ll update it once I do a second run, this one is more for people who want to experience everything the story has to offer, dungeons and conversations.
Day: You’ll now enter a bit of a stale moment in the game where you only have to wait for the next big event in the main story. This is the perfect time to increase your ranks with Followers and do the remaining quests. We still have one quest to tackle, but since the weather is bad, we’ll stick to Followers for today. Head to the town and speak with Strohl. Remember to sell, restock, appraise, and purify everything today.

Night: At night, you can pick any of the activities that raise your Virtues, but instead, you should head to the Coliseum to begin that side activity.

Day: Today is the perfect day to head to the Tomb of Lament, so grab your best anti-undead spells and archetypes and head out. On the Runner, you’ll want to speak with Heismay to progress his bond. Remember to cook before doing so.
Night: You should have bath salts, so it is a good idea to dip your feet and increase your stats.
Day: There isn’t much to do on the Runner, so you can do laundry to increase your MP. Now, inside the dungeon, it is time to turn over every stone because there is a relic of Neuras’ quest here. Once you’re ready, head inside.
Night: Return to the inn and end the day.
Day: Hand in your quests and speak to your followers. Now’s a good time to progress with Bardon’s bond, especially since you need to level up his Archetype for More’s quest.
Night: While you could head into the Coliseum again, I recommend speaking with Neuras instead to complete the next quest. You’ll end the day after that.
Day: Another quiet day, so go and speak with Maria to increase your bond with her. Remember to purify your equipment at the Church.
Night: There’s still time before the main quest’s event, so speak with Heismay to increase your ranking with him.
Day: Since you need more Imagination to continue with Strohl’s quest, we’ll head to where Bardon is to increase our ranking.
Night: While you could hit the Coliseum tonight, I recommend heading to the Podium for a debate, as it will increase two of your Virtues.
Day: With your Imagination at Rank 3, you can now continue with Strohl’s quest at the Capital by speaking with the merchant.
Night: Now’s the perfect night to hit the Coliseum, so grab your gear and head toward it.
Day: You still have time before the big event. While there’s an ally who’d like to talk to you, I recommend focusing on your Virtues, mainly on Wisdom and Courage, which you can level up through activities and the Coliseum. For today, focus on Wisdom.
Night: You’ll visit the Coliseum tonight, so equip any new gear and fight.
Day: You should focus on increasing your virtues again, and you should do an activity to raise your Wisdom.
Night: Head to the Coliseum to increase your rank.
Day: Since you’ve reached rank Silver III at the Coliseum, you can use today to progress Strohl’s quest again.
Night: I recommend going for another Wisdom activity to get it up to Rank 3.
Day: Today, we’ll do a somewhat inverse schedule. Head to the podium to increase your Eloquence during the day, which should be the Virtue you have at the lowest.
Night: Head to where Alonzo is to start advancing his quest.
Day: This is the final day before the big event, so I recommend spending it with Strohl to conclude his quest and achieve maximum rank with him.
Night: It’s time for another debate, so head to the podium. Remember to restock before the big day.
Day: There’s a quick cutscene, but you’ll jump straight to the night event.
Night: Many cutscenes, a new ally, new systems, and time to go to bed.

Day: Another day of cutscenes, so sit back and enjoy. You’ll have a chance to restock before the next big voyage, so make sure everyone has the best gear and your bags are full of healing items and such. After that, continue with the story. You’ll unlock fishing on your Gauntlet Runner. I recommend doing so for the first time to get new ingredients for cooking.
Night: With new ingredients in hand, cook a few new meals before doing any other activity. There’s a new book on the shelf; you can go ahead and read it to work on your Courage since there aren’t any conversations available.
Day: Since I only had one more bait left, I used the morning to fish again. You’ll get a new drawing today.
Night: There’s a tough fight ahead, so prepare your Archetype and gather your new party member. Remember that you can only bring four, and the rest will stay in reserve.
Day: You’ll get the chance to speak with one of your crewmates for a considerable increase in their bond and to obtain a rare item.
Night: I recommend using the rainbow salts on the bath for a huge stat increase for your protagonist.
Day: Sit back and enjoy the cutscenes. There’s nothing else to do.
Night: Many more cutscenes and a new deadline for the main story. Sit back and wait for the cutscenes to play.

Day: You can explore the new town but only to restock; there aren’t any new quests. Try to purchase the new seeds from the stall in the town. Once you’re ready, head to the main quest’s location. You’ll board the Gauntlet Runner on your way to the dungeon, so cook a meal and plant the seeds you purchased. Sadly, there will be a plot twist and no dungeon today; talk about a tease. Return to the town to end the day.
Day: Your deadline is September 5, so there’s a lot of time before that. However, you have to be smart about how you’ll play things out. First, grab all the quests in the town. Visit any recruitment center to grab the new Bounty. Also, speak with the informants at Grand Trand and Virga Island about the main quest and Bounty. Return to Brilehaven to unlock the Mask stall at Seabreeze Street. After you speak with everyone, follow the main quest until you hand the ingredients over. Then, grab the new quests from Virga Island. Here, you’ll get a sidequest with a deadline of August 30. For now, let’s focus on something else. Since the weather is favorable, I recommend going to Orbwise Path today. Since the book gives Courage, and you get most of this virtue by doing dungeons and completing Bounties, I recommend planting more seeds today.
Night: Return to town and end the day.
Day: Back in town, and the weather will still be bad for the next few days. Today, we’ll focus on followers, so go and speak with Bardon.
Night: Tonight, follow Gallica’s recommendation and head to the beach for an Imagination boost.
Day: The weather isn’t great yet to travel to the side dungeon, so let’s head to the Coliseum.
Night: With your Courage at Rank 4, visit Brigitta to continue her quest.
Day: Head to Bardon to continue his quest today.
Night: Now’s a good time to speak with Junah and start raising your rank with her. Doing so will let you restore a bit of MP after each battle, which is quite useful.

Day: There are no followers to talk to in the morning, so let’s head to the dungeon near Grand Trand and complete the quest. It will take two days to arrive, and the weather should be fine as you travel there. Restock and head there. Cook and read a book inside the Runner.
Night: Tonight, speak with Hulkenberg to increase your Wisdom.
Day: Read the Courage book before disembarking in the dungeon. Also, there’s a relic here, so be sure to scour the dungeon for it.
Night: Head back to town and end the day.
Day: Since the weather doesn’t seem to improve, you might as well continue doing activities with your followers. Head to where Bardon is.
Night: Visit Neuras to progress his quest.
As mentioned, we will update this guide once we discover the best things to do on the daily schedule for Metaphor: ReFantazio. As mentioned, this won’t contain spoilers or a 100% rate path yet. We’ll focus on story-related things and recommended activities to unlock most of the conversations and dungeons, so keep coming back for more guidance on this lengthy adventure.

Day: At this point, More’s quest should be progressing greatly, and you’ll reach a point where you need to unlock 25 Archetypes. Don’t bother unlocking every single one of a character because you need all 25 to be different. With no follower quests during the day, today’s a good day to head to the main story dungeon. So, restock, appraise, and you know the drill. Cook and plant seeds on the Runner. Prepare for the longest dungeon in the game so far. It took me four hours to finish it, so that should tell you something. Bring as many items as possible. You’ll unlock a new Archetype and companion. Also, after it, prepare for yet another mandatory fight. Finish all fights and head to the inn to end the day.
Day: New day, and you know what that means. Purify your items, sell your loot, and prepare to tackle Eupha’s quest. Speak with Edeni before leaving; he’ll help you with the bad weather; it’s costly, though. There isn’t much to do today in the Runner, so head to the Deck to fish.
Night: Since we need Wisdom to progress Hulkenberg’s quest, speak with her to increase said Virtue.
Day: Cook a meal before arriving and head to the Deck to fish again. Be sure to loot everything inside the dungeon. There is a Relic for Neuras inside.
Night: Return to town after the dungeon and end the day.
Day: With the story now advanced, return to Martira to continue with Bardon’s quest. Equip all your characters with Ice spells if possible.
Night: At night, talk to Neuras to hand in the new relic and progress with his quest.
Day: If you haven’t, today’s a good day to complete the “Peak Curiosity” quest. With the new ability to change the weather, you can purchase Marbled Bluefin Tune at Brilehaven’s Merchant Bazaar and hand 20 to Edeni. Do so and head toward the quest’s location. Spend time with Eupha for an Imagination boost.
Night: Spend time with Junah.
This is one things start to get a bit hectic. You’ll have a lot of story-related moments plus a few dungeons, so it’ll be packed with fights. On top of everything, you’ll get to progress with many follower bonds, so time is of the essence.

Day: If you haven’t, today’s a good day to complete the “Peak Curiosity” quest. With the new ability to change the weather, you can purchase Marbled Bluefin Tune at Brilehaven’s Merchant Bazaar and hand 20 to Edeni. Do so and head toward the quest’s location. Spend time with Eupha for an Imagination boost.
Night: Spend time with Hulkenberg to increase your Wisdom.
Day: Head to the Deck to fish.
Night: Spend time with Heismay.

Day: Plant seeds before disembarking. Bring a lot of Fire spells to this dungeon. After that, return to town to end the day.
Day: Sell whatever you got from the dungeon and spend time with Hulkenberg.
Night: Spend time with Junah.
Day: Purchase as many items as possible because it is a discount day, and then spend time with Eupha.
Night: Story time, so sit back and enjoy the cutscenes.

Day: Story-focused moments, you can’t do anything but let the events play out. You can also get a legendary weapon today during the event.
Day: You’ll get a chance to purchase items before leaving. Do so and head to the Runner. Cook a meal and read the new book (Tolerance).
Night: Spend time with anyone to increase your Imagination.
Day: Cook a meal and continue reading the book (Tolerance).
Night: Speak with anyone again to raise your Imagination.
Day: Last day inside the Runner, so cook your food and read the book again. Enjoy the new city, visit the shops, and end the day.

Day: I can’t stress enough how important it is to prepare yourself for what’s to come. Sell anything you aren’t using, upgrade everyone’s weapons, appraise and purify if needed, and when you’re certain you’re ready, head for the main quest. After the many cutscenes, end the day.
Day: A day full of story-related things. Watch everything play out and end the day.
Day: There’s a tough boss fight ahead of you; prepare and head to it. A lot of story content after the fight, and nothing else to do.
Day: There are many new things to do today. First and foremost, speak with the candidates outside the inn to mark the locations of their Runners. After that, grab all the new quests in the city. While you can leave for any of the new locations, I recommend staying for the debate in the city.
Night: Spend time with Heismay.
Day: The weather isn’t great today, so stay in the city and progress with your followers’ bonds. Spend time with Maria.
Night: Spend time with Catherina.

Day: It is a discount day, so purchase everything you need. After that, head to the Runner and fly to Everfrost Forest. Cook a meal and speak with Basilio. When inside the dungeon, loot everything because there is a relic for Neuras here. Complete the dungeon and end the day.
Day: Hand in the Bounty and spend time with Maria. This should put you at Rank 8, finishing her quest.
Night: Give the relic to Neuras and spend time with him.
Day: Today’s the perfect day to head to Malva. Spend time with Hulkenberg on the Runner, which should make you reach Rank 8 with her. You’ll fight Loveless on the way. Purchase as many things as possible from the town, including the quest item.
Night: Hand in the quest and speak with Loveless to mark Milo’s location on the map. After that, spend time with Junah.
Day: Today is a good day to travel to the Tower of Insolence. Spend time with Heismay inside the Runner, thus finishing his quest at Rank 8. Enter the dungeon and end the day back in the city.
Day: Hand in the quest and take your board your Runner to face Rudolf on the map. Spend time with Junah inside the Runner.
Night: Spend time with Alonzo.
Day: Spend time with Eupha. Remember to purchase things today since it is a discount day.
Night: Head to the Coliseum to fight.
Day: Spend time with Basilio.
Night: Spend time with Junah.
Day: Spend time with Eupha.
Night: Spend time with Alonzo.

Day: Story-related day; sit back and enjoy.
Day: One of the longest and most surprising days in the game. For the first fight, bring a Faker to debuff the boss, and for the rest, just sit back and enjoy.
Day: Story-related day; nothing else to do.
Day: You have exactly one month before the game’s end, so it’s time to hit the gas. First, travel to every city and town and grab every new quest. Some of the most notable ones will send you to revisit some of the Towers we’ve already cleared; more on that later. After you grab every quest, speak with Bardon to finish his quest, thus reaching Rank 8.
Night: At night, head to Grand Trad’s Podium to work on your Eloquence.
Day: There’s no one to talk to during the morning for now, so head to the Podium again.
Night: Head to the Opera House and watch “The Princess Predicament.”
Day: With your Eloquence at Rank 4, spend time with Eupha.
Night: Head to the hot springs at Altabury to complete the quest.
Day: Today’s a good day to visit The Abandoned Path and complete the quest there. Buy as many things as you need during this discount day and head to the Runner. Spend time with Basilio as you travel.
Night: Spend time with Junah to increase your Eloquence.

Day: Cook a meal and read the Imagination book. Enter the Dungeon to kill the Bounty and then end the day back in town.
The final month of the game. If you’ve been following this daily schedule guide for Metaphor: ReFantazio, you should be on your way to completing all the requests, maxing out your virtues and bonds, and experiencing all dungeons, including the optional ones. So, let’s get started with the last stretch.
Day: Turn in the Bounty and spend time with Basilio.
Night: Spend time with Junah to finish her quest and reach Rank 8.
Day: Sit on the bench at Grand Trad for a boost in Wisdom.
Night: Spend time with Brigitta, finishing her quest and reaching Rank 8.
Day: Spend time with Basilio.
Night: Spend time with Alonzo.

Day: Head to the Disgraced Ruins today. Cook a meal and read the book (Imagination). Enter the Dungeon to complete the Bounty and return to the city to end the day.
Day: Spend time with Alonzo.
Night: Head to the bench at Grand Trad to raise your Wisdom.

Day: Head to Mt. Vulkano today to complete the two quests you have there. Read the book while traveling; you should reach Imagination 5 with it. Be sure to loot everything inside the Dungeon. You’ll get a relic for Neuras. Complete the Dungeon and end the day.
Day: Turn in your quests and spend time with Basilio.
Night: Spend time with Neuras.
Day: Head to Jin’s Runner to progress Neuras’ quest. Speak with Hulkenberg to increase your Wisdom. Defeating Jin will trigger Neuras’ final quest, thus reaching Rank 8 with him.
Night: Spend time at the bench of Grand Trad one last time to reach Wisdom Rank 5.
Day: Spend time with Eupha.
Night: Spend time with Alonzo.
Day: Spend time with Basilio.
Night: Head to the opera house and watch “The Fairy’s Reward.”

Day: Head to the Tower of Insolence. Speak with Eupha on the Runner, reaching rank 8 with her. Complete the Trial and return to town to end the day.
Day: Head to the Podium to raise your Eloquence, reaching Rank 5 in the process.
Night: Spend time with Alonzo.
Day: Spend time with Basilio. You’ll reach Rank 8 with him after the quest.
Night: Head to Altabury and speak with the lady next to the hot springs to raise your Tolerance, reaching Rank 5 as you do so.
Day: Take your Runner and head toward Milo’s Runner to complete the quest. Plant a few seeds on the way.
Night: Spend time with Catherina.
Day: Head to the Coliseum to fight.
Night: Head to the Coliseum again.
Day: Head to Virga Island and change the weather in the Spire of Blind Faith. After that, head toward it for the next Trial. Complete the Trial and return to the town to end the day.
Day: Head to the Coliseum.
Night: Spend time with Catherina.
Day: Head to the Coliseum again.
Night: Return to the Coliseum for one last fight.
Day: Spend the day as you see fit.
Night: Spend time with Catherina, reaching Rank 8 in the process and maxing out the final follower.

Day: Head to the Forsaken Tower for the final Trial. Return to town to end the day.
Day: Head to the Manor of the Ascendant for the final Bounty. Complete the Dungeon and return to the town to end the day.
Day: Turn in the final Bounty and head to your Runner to tackle the Dragon Temple Trial.
Day: Spend the day as you see fit.
Night: Complete the “A Rake’s Last Wish” request in Brilehaven.
Day: Head to the Skybound Avatar.
Day: Do whatever you want on your final free day.
Night: Talk to your followers one last time.

Prepare for what’s to come and enjoy this journey’s end.
While you can still play on 12/35, it is just a day full of conversations and other things I won’t spoil. However, if you’ve followed this guide, this is what you should have at the time you reach the game’s end:
- Max follower bonds
- All requests completed
- All Coliseum matches completed. (Feel free to do any of the 30 consecutive ones in any of the free days).
- All three Dragon Trials should be finished, too.
- All map areas should be fully explored.
Also, remember that to get that 100% rate, you need to play a new game plus walkthrough for the secret boss. Other than that, you should have almost everything ready. In any case, thank you for sticking to the end of this daily schedule guide for Metaphor: ReFantazio. And, if you want a true 100% walkthrough guide, be sure to check this article, as we will tweak it to help you complete every achievement.