Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor that released in 2014, has officially been delayed. In an official announcement from Monolith Productions released a few days ago, the developers revealed that the sequel will now be available on October 10th, 2017 instead of August 22nd.
In the official announcement, the development team had this to say:
As with Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Monolith is committed to delivering the highest quality experience. In order to do this, we have made the difficult decision to move our launch date to ensure that Middle-earth: Shadow of War will deliver on that promise.
We understand that it might be disappointing to have to wait a little longer for the release and are sorry for the delay, but we are working hard to make an amazing game.
Despite the disappointing delay, Monolith has promised that they will be showing more of the game at E3. While we don’t know much, we do know some of the changes coming to the nemesis system. Shadow of War is planning on expanding on the nemesis system in the original game that affects the way you interact with the enemy leaders in the world. The game will continue to focus on the duo of Talion and Celibrimbor as they continue to battle the forces of darkness in Middle-earth.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be available on PlayStation 4,