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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has new trailers revealed at the CoD Next event, and there are gameplays of its Multiplayer mode all around the social media! Surely MW3 is bringing back what fans really wanted from the previous Call of Duty titles’ movement mechanics. But it is important to note that Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer mode isn’t going to have all the same perks and weapons as MW2. In fact, you can bring all your MW2 weapons there, but there’ll be lots of new toys to use in the upcoming beta period of MW3.
All Revealed Modern Warfare 3 Weapons

Assault Rifles:
- SVA 545
- MTZ-556

Battle Rifles:
- MTZ-762
- Bas-B

- Rival-9
- AMR9
- Striker

- Register
- Lockwood 680

- Holger 26
- Pulemyot 762

Marksman Rifles:
- MTZ Interceptor
- MCW 6.8
Sniper Rifles:
- Longbow
- KV Inhibitor

- WSP Stinger
- Renetti
- COR-45
- Pila
So far the menus look pretty the same as what they were in MW2 and Warzone. However, the weapons are all new here. There are no signs of the MW2 weapons in the Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer beta, and the gunsmith system is going to be just the same as it used to be in the previous title.
The only new addition to the weapons gunsmith system in MW3 is the addition of Aftermarket Parts. These can be attached as the sixth attachment to certain weapons, changing their overall stats and usage. In a recent trailer, we saw how this addition changes the Renetti Pistol to an SMG, and you should note that these parts are for MW3 weapons only.
MW3 Tactical and Lethal Equipment

- Flash Grenade
- Battle Rage
- EMD Grenade
- Smoke Grenade
- Scatter Mine

- Frag Grenade
- Breacher Drone
- Semtax
- Thermobaric Grenade

Field Upgrades:
- Munition Box
- Med Box
- Comm Scrambler
- Trophy System
- A.C.S
For the equipment items in the Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer, here we’ve got some old names and new ones. In the Tacticals section, the only new additions to the game from MW2 and the current Warzone are the EMD Grenade and Scatter Mine. Now EMD Grenade is simply an EMP that destroys enemy equipment, but the Scatter Mine is something of a kind. It is basically a lethal Cluster Mine from MW2 in a different shape, which is probably going to break the game in the beta.
The next list is the loadout Lethals of Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer. Here the new additions are somehow weird again like what we had with Scatter Mine in Tacticals. For instance, there’s a Breach Drone that works like a Hunter Killer from Black Ops 2. And then we got the Thermobaric Grenade which is a Molotov that explodes first and deals more damage.
The final list of the throwable equipment in Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer is the Field Upgrades. Here we’ve got Munition Box and Trophy Systems just like MW2. But, there’s now an A.C.S module that you can deploy to capture zones in the Multiplayer. And then there’s a Comm Scrambler that works like a jammer in a small radius. Last but not least, there’s the Med Box which gives you medical supplies, not specified how it works.
Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Perks And Gear

- Infantry Vest
- Engineer Vest
- Gunner Vest
- Demolition Vest

- Quick Grip Glove
- Scavenger Glove
- Commando Glove

- Lightweight Boots
- Climbing Boots
- Stalker Boots
- Tactical Pads
- Covert Sneakers

- EOD Padding
- Tac Mask
- Mission Control
- Bone Conduction
- L/R Detector
- Ghost T/V Camo
As you can see the perk system in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer mode has gone under a big overhaul. First, you’ve got to choose your vest. The Infantry Vest gives you the ability to have a longer tactical sprint. Engineer Vest has the ability to detect enemy equipment in a radius. Gunner Vest is perfect for those who want to deploy with maximum ammo and reload faster. The Demolition Vest works just like the Resupply Perk in MW2 and Warzone.
Heading over the Gloves department, we have the Quick Grip Gloves which will give you a boost when you want to switch your weapons. Then we have the Scavenger Gloves for picking ammo from enemy corpses. And finally, there’s the Commando Gloves that’ll allow to you reload while sprinting.
Now as there are only three gloves available on Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer beta, there are a lot of boots and tactical gears to pick from. First, on the list, we have the Lightweight Boots, which is technically the Lightweight perk from old Call of Duty games, allowing you to run faster. Then we’ve got the Climbing Boots to run faster up hills, and Stalker Boots to boost up your ADS Walking speed. Then there’s the Tactical Pads for more sliding time, and the Covert Sneakers which work as the Dead Silence Perk; eliminating all the foot noise!
And last but not least, we have the Gear in Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer loadout system. First, there’s the EOD Padding with which you’ll become more resistant to bombs and explosives. Then there’s the Tac Mask, doing the same as the Battle-Hardened Perk would do in MW2; making you resistible to Flash and Stun Grenades. Then we have the Control Comlink for getting your Killstreaks faster, and the Conduction Headset that allows you to hear footsteps better. The L/R Detector is the High Alert Perk from MW2 here, and the Ghost T/V Camo is basically the Ghost Perk making you invisible on enemy UAVs.
And there you have it. These are all the things you need to know about the new Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer mode. However, you should note that this gear, weapons, and equipment are for the MW3 beta period only. That means that there’ll be a lot more content with the release of the full game.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is due to release on November 10, 2023.