Mortal Kombat 1 is often considered a downgrade in terms of cosmetics and character customization. However, there’s one part of the Mortal Kombat 1 story that hides one of the best OG character skins that is not unlockable, unfortunately. You fight this character in the battle of Armageddon in MK1‘s main story ending, and well, he even has his iconic chest spear from MK3.
In fact, players fight a ton of creatively made characters in the final chapter of MK1‘s main story, a Thunder God that wields Kung Lao’s hat, or even better, Quan Li and Quantum Chi! Among all these fighters, there’s also a character called the LK-7T2 that plays just like Smoke from the Ultimate MK3. It’s him.

The kombatant is only seen while playing the story mode and you may not encounter the cyborg every time you play. So I had to restart the game so many times to meet this variant of Smoke, and I have to say, it’s so frustrating to know that after almost two years we still don’t have this skin in Mortal Kombat 1. He plays just like Smoke, although he also has Scorpion’s spear fired from his chest. But they can remove that and release the skin, right?
This version of Smoke is an old variant that looks just like the Kameo Cyrax and Sektor in the game. We could at least get him as a new character or a skin for the other Kameo cyborgs we already have in Mortal Kombat 1. Janet Cage was also in the game’s story mode and was later added to the game as a Kameo fighter.
Now, there’s one single issue with this, and that’s that the gameplay elements will get broken if they add this skin for Smoke in MK1. This could lead to the bizarre difference between the human and cyborg Cyrax that we had back in MK9, but it’s quite painless to solve now. The animation speeds can be adjusted, and the hitbox can be set with the same values as human Smoke.
It’s certainly not out of the realm of possibility if NetherRealm Studios drops the cyber Smoke skin with their upcoming updates. I mean, we got Madam Bo referencing Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 1 movie with her finisher. Isn’t that proof that anything can happen? Not to mention that even the prominent MK data miners didn’t see that coming when Madam Bo first got teased with T-1000’s teaser. So, fingers crossed for the cyber Smoke skin in Mortal Kombat 1.