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Call of Duty MW3‘s meta changes with almost every single update of the game. Sometimes, we don’t even get a patch note and still, a weapon feels less powerful than what it was yesterday. (I’m looking at you Superi-46!) However, the upper class is always determined by the start of the seasonal updates, and the slayers stand out right from the beginning. Here are the best meta guns to use in MW3 and Warzone Season 5.
10. SVA 545

After the big leap over the MW3 and Warzone meta in Season 3, the SVA 545 is still a dominating force. This AR works best on its burst firing mode in Warzone, while you can still get a decent spray power using the gun in full auto. The key muscle of the SVA 545 is its high fire rate, which is amazingly compounded with low gunkick and recoil.
9. BP50

I remember the good old days of the BP50 when this AR could beat every single weapon in the game… and the good news is, those days are back! However, a slight nerf on its damage has thankfully not dropped the rifle into the Dark Aether. High fire rate, reasonable recoil, good mobility, and enough punching power for a super quick TTK are BP50’s specialities that put this weapon among the best guns in MW3 and Warzone Season 5.
8. Reclaimer-18

When Reclaimer-18 joined MW3 and Warzone in Season 4, sometimes whole lobbies were running with this shotgun. And after updates and unfortunate nerfs, the Reclaimer-18 feels like it hasn’t changed at all! This gun is all that you need in close-range combats of MW3, and you get to two-tap anyone within the range of 10ms in Warzone.
7. Striker

Just like the MCW for the AR class, the almighty Striker has always been a balanced SMG in MW3. Everything with this weapon is just solid as a rock and with the recent updates, it’s never been better. Sure, the Striker might not have the best fire rate, but its high damage and mobility stats help compensate for that.
6. RAM-9

RAM-9 just feels so smooth to play with. You’ve got that insanely high fire rate combined with the punching power that’d blast through anything. This SMG is definitely one of the best in its category, standing second to just one opponent only. Maybe if the recoil pattern was easier to handle, then the RAM-9 would’ve been the best SMG and meta gun in MW3 and Warzone Season 5.
5. JAK Cataclysm RPK

After the JAK Patriot conversion kit for the M16, the JAK Cataclysm was a blast of fun injected into the MW3 and Warzone Season 5. RIP all the DMRs in the game, as the JAK Cataclysm turns the RPK LMG into a one-tap annihilator in MW3. The only downside? You’d feel like an old wrecked truck when trying to run around with this converted RPK.
4. Kar98k

The King of the Marksman Rifles made its glorious return in Season 4. This rifle’s bullet velocity and damage were so broken that it took three weeks for the developers to nerf it. However, the nerfs have only slightly changed the power level of our beloved Kar98k, as it still one-shots to the upper body in MW3, and headshot in Warzone. Unfortunately for the Sniper and Marksman Rifles category, the Kar98k is the only representative in this best meta MW3 and Warzone guns ranking list.
3. JAK Raven MCW

MCW has always been a very balanced weapon in both games. The fire rate, the power, the very easy-to-handle recoil, and the great handling. But what if we exchange a touch of the accuracy for more fire rate and an extra mobility point? The JAK Raven MCW is what a fine line between the AR and SMG categories would be. You still get the AR punching force, while utilizing the mobility of an SMG. It’s been from the beginning of the MW3 era that the JAK Raven MCW is one of the best meta guns in the game.
2. STG44

Somehow, for some reason, the rusty WWII Assault Rifle is standing on top of the food chain in its category. This weapon is an absolute laser beam, killing your opponents in a flash with the least recoil to worry about. In fact, the STG44 is a class of what an AR should be. It’s not super flashy in the mobility part of things, but it’s good enough to not fall into the LMG classroom. With a good build, the STG44 could even take the #1 spot in the best meta guns ranking list in MW3 and Warzone Season 5.
1. Static-HV

This SMG is out of this world, surely. The Static-HV forgoes anything that makes other SMGs look bad in stats and also doubles as an AR with its unbelievable damage range. On stock, the weapon has the perfect SMG mobility, high fire rate, easy-to-learn recoil pattern, and a lightning-fast TTK to wrap up the stats info. Goodbye Superi-46, we’ll miss you!