The original creators of Jackass are returning to produce a new series for Paramount+, following the immense popularity of the 2022 film Jackass Forever. Paramount+ CEO Bob Bakish has officially confirmed as of Tuesday that a brand new Jackass series is currently in production for Paramount+ based on the success of Jackass Forever. The announcement was made during the company’s Q1 earnings call.
Jackass Series for Paramount+ and the Success of Jackass Forever
“Based off the success of ‘Jackass Forever,’ we’re working with the creators to continue the partnership with a new series, bringing even more ridiculous antics straight to Paramount+,” he said during the call.
Jackass Forever, the fourth film in the long-running franchise, debuted at the top of the domestic box office in February with $23.5 million and included the classic cast members Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Dave England, Wee Man, Danger Ehren, and Preston Lacy, as well as several new faces such as Rachel Wolfson, Sean “Poopies” McInerney, and Jasper Dolphin.
The original Jackass series was featured on MTV for three mini-seasons from 2000 to 2001, and has since launched several spinoff series including “Wildboyz” and “Viva La Bam”, and an entire array of films apart from the pain four that have been released. These include Jackass: The Movie, Jackass Number Two, Jackass 3, and Jackass Forever, with a few spin-off films sprinkled in.
“Forever. Those were big [stunts], and could end as badly. Or worse. I’ve done enough. I don’t have anything to prove. I have kids to raise. That’s the most important thing”, Jackass leader Johnny Knoxville spoke to Variety in an interview this year about his desire to enlist a new generation of pranksters.
Jackass 4.5, a film consisting of extra footage shot during the making of Jackass Forever, is also scheduled to be released on Netflix on May 20.