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Picture this: you’re working on your Once Human base, putting together your bedroom and perfecting your garage, only to be hit with the Space Full, Unable to Place More prompt out of nowhere. It’s annoying and has frequently made me close the game out. Now, the error has a few troubleshooting fixes that can get you back to pioneering architecture that is physically impossible. Let’s dive into how to fix it!
Fixing “Space Full, Unable to Place More” Error
First, every player has a territory limit, and everything you put down on your base is counted. There are two different ways this is counted, however:
- The number of Securement Units you have on your base.
- The limits of your territory.
Between both of these, you’ll be able to add more pieces of furniture and Deviants to your base. Get ready to become the most envied Mayfly out there.
Adding more Securement Units

Concerning adding more Securement Units, you can do so in the Logistics category of the Memetics window. There are two expansions you can purchase using Energy Links and Meme Points:
- Securement Unit Expansion I
- Three Meme Points.
- 200 Energy Links.
- Ten additional Securement Units.
- Securement Unit Expansion II
- Ten Meme Points.
- 5,000 Energy Links
- 20 additional Securement Units.
As you begin securing more Deviants, you’ll naturally want to upgrade the amount of Securement Units you can have.
Upgrading Your Territory

You can only upgrade your territory once using your Territory Terminal. You can activate this by going into your Memetics and obtaining the Territory Expansion upgrade for three Meme Points and 700 Energy Links.
As explained, you can only upgrade your territory once. Walk up to your Territory Terminal and press the G key. You’ll be asked if you’d like to upgrade your territory, followed by a dialogue about whether or not your current location can be expanded. If you have neighbors, are near roads, or are surrounded by walls that your territory cannot physically pass through, you won’t be able to do so.
Personally, I moved my territory to the flatter landscapes of the Blackheart Region and upgraded it there. With an upgraded territory, you can create massive bases that fit all three versions of the garage! Now, I have a place where I can park my motorbike, truck, and trailer head—in my personal, second-floor aquarium guarded by shotgun turrets! After these fixes, you shouldn’t have any more Space Full issues in Once Human until you hit your official territory limit, which is featured when you press the B key in your base.
Once Human is playable on both PC and mobile devices.