Overwatch is already positioned to be a success for Blizzard. And that isn’t just because of the colourful characters and tight gameplay.
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The juggernaut developer has already laid the foundation to turn Overwatch into a multi-media franchise, and today they further explained their plans for the game. March will see the release of the first Overwatch animated shorts, each focusing on a different character and how they fit into the larger world. These shorts will be followed by comics that will further delve into the title’s unique cast of characters and how they came to be waging war against each other.
The comics will release for free in April. These short comics will be followed by a graphic novel titled “Overwatch: First Strike,” and will cover the events that occurred decades before those in the game. The game itself will then launch in May, preceded by an open beta from May 5 to May 9 on PS4,

Overwatch will release on May 24 for PS4,