Blizzard’s newest IP Overwatch will be coming to the PS4 and

Revealed at Blizzcon 2015, the FPS battle arena will be hitting store shelves in the form of special retail versions of the game, Overwatch: Origins Edition, the console port will come with all 21 current playable characters, 5 skins: Blackwatch Reyes (Reaper), Strike-Commander Morrison (Soldier 76), Overgrown Bastion, Security Chief Pharah and Slipstream Tracer. Additionally, a retail PC copy of Overwatch: Origins Edition will be available, which will feature additional content for other Blizzard games, such as a Hearthstone card back, a baby Winston pet for World of Warcraft, Tracer hero for Heroes of the Storm, Starcraft 2 portraits and Diablo 3 Mercy Wings. The Origins Edition will retail for $40.

In addition to the Origins Edition, Blizzard has announced an Overwatch Collector’s Edition. As of now the contents of the Collector’s Edition is unknown, but it will contain all the features of the Origins Edition as well as an exclusive character statue. The Collector’s Edition will retail for $130.
Fret not, as the retail copies will not exclude the game from being free to play.
Overwatch has currently entered closed beta for PC only. Blizzard is actively flagging accounts, giving them access to the game.