Payday 2 receives a new update today, and here’s the complete list of changes and fixes that will be added with this patch. The game has been around since 2013 and still has a pretty large fan base. If you’re a fan of heist games, you should definitely give a chance to this title. Anyway, the latest update is pretty extensive and brings tons of changes. Check out the Payday 2 update 234 patch notes below.
Payday 2 Update 234 Patch Notes

We’re releasing with a possible crash on Hotline Miami Heist – Day 1 following the destruction of the gas station. There’s already a fix being worked on and we hope to get it out as soon as possible.
- Reworked damage zones (like fire and tear gas from some levels) to not depend on latency for client players, as well as to further reduce cases of the effects persisting forever until going into custody.
- Similar to the above, clients should now be able to safely jump onto the blankets in Lab Rats from great heights and consistently not die from fall damage, like the host does.
- Fixed Graze not passing weapon data when dealing damage. This allows it to count for sniper kills (such as for challenges, sidejobs or achievements). Multikills requirements still require the main bullet to count as such, as usual.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Rodion 3B Rifle’s volley fire mode to count towards the Field Test achievement.
- Fixed some issues with the concussion accuracy penalty multiplier. It should work more consistently and as expected. It will also sync to drop-ins.
- Fixed an issue with modified enemy health syncing to drop-ins.
- Temporary invulnerability will now also sync to drop-ins.
- Optimized area trigger filtering code, fixed some specific bugs with it, and made a few more filters allow clients to sync status to the host to make things more responsive.
- Ammo pickups that normally result in no ammo are now stored and accumulate with more pickups to gain ammo.
Weapon Fixes – Payday 2 Update 234 Patch Notes
- Fixed an issue that caused the new suppressors to have zero threat decrease.
- Fixed an issue that caused bullets in the Aran G2 Sniper Rifle to appear as if they had not been properly ejected, or reloaded, when a weapon colour had been applied.
- Fixed a graphical issue that occurred on low FOV while using the Aran G2 Sniper Rifle & Perfect Blue Exclusive Set.
- Fixed a specific crash with Body Expertise if a unit has no headshot multiplier set.
- Fixed an issue with an animation on the Rodion 3B Rifle that stopped the player from interacting with anything until the animation was complete.
- Fixed a graphical issue that would occur on a Military Red Dot Sight on the Aran G2 Sniper Rifle, with the exclusive set, when another player viewed it with “Use HQ Weapons” set to OFF.
Suit Fixes
- Fixed a graphical issue that appeared when pairing the Haunted outfit with various gloves.
UI Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused the new suppressors to have incorrect weapon menu icons.
- Updated the icon for the ordnance bag in the HUD.
Map Fixes
- Hell’s Island – Fixed an issue that caused several doors to have hold interactions rather than instant interactions when opening them.
- Safe House – Fixed an issue where the safe house door to scarface room was impossible to open.
- DMR kits and similar weapon mods that change ammo pickups no longer result in the weapon not benefiting from in Walk-In Closet, Fully Loaded ace and the team AI Sharpeyed bonus.
- Fully Loaded ace throwable gain chance now increases properly
- Updated the Infiltrator perk deck description to match its intended functionality
Audio – Payday 2 Update 234 Patch Notes
- Fixed a sound issue that occurred whenever the Aran G2 Sniper Rifle was fired.
- Fixed an issue where Bain and Locke would comment on any civilian being killed with the same type of voiceline, instead of skipping a few and using other unique lines.
- Fixed getting tased or going from bleedout into fatal (fully incapacitated) causing Bain/Locke to think your team went down more than you actually did, when commenting at the end of an assault wave.
- Fixed an issue that stopped “assault incoming” VO from Bain/Locke to play.