Earlier today reviews for this week’s big release, Suicide Squad, haven’t been kind. Earlier this year, Batman v Superman also had poor reviews. Our own Collin MacGregor reviewed that movie back in March and while I don’t agree with his views, I respect them. At the time of this writing, Suicide Squad sits at 36% on Rotten Tomatoes. That is based on the critics, mind you, and more reviews are slowly coming out.
Fans, on the other hand, are not happy with the critics. Their hate is oddly misplaced once again with aggregator site: Rotten Tomatoes. A petition started earlier today to get Rotten Tomatoes shut down. There is obviously a few problems with the reasons why. For starters, Rotten Tomatoes isn’t a critic. They just gather all the reviews from critics and audiences alike. Secondly, they are also owned by Warner Bros. themselves. You know, the same studio that made Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman.

These fans seem to have the idea that critics are being biased. Already I hear arguments such as “Marvel paid them off” or “They just don’t like DC films for no reason”. People, I get it. You’re excited about this movie. It is just that critics have their own views about a movie. Yours might be significantly different. Like the case for Batman v Superman. I loved it. Others did not. To start a petition to shut down a site because their views differ is ludicrous. Don’t bash others for their views either.
Maybe the movie isn’t great? Maybe you will like it while the critics don’t? Either way, petitions such as the one that surprisingly is gaining steam, is not going to change people’s views. In other news, check out my review on The Nerd Stash later this week. You might not agree with me, but that is fine.