Have you ever been in one of those situations where you just can’t figure out the ghost type in Phasmophobia to save your life? Maybe the evidence just isn’t adding up, or perhaps you’re trying to complete a challenge mode that requires you to find the ghost type without any evidence. Being able to determine the ghost type without using evidence is a must. Ghosts are funny in the way that they don’t really require evidence. They each have their very own quirks or behavior that sets them aside from the rest and makes their type rather determinable. Though, sometimes it’s hard to tell what those behaviors might be.
How To Tell the Ghost Type in Phasmophobia Without Evidence

There are quite a few types of ghosts in Phasmophobia, so let’s get right down to it. While you are playing, ghosts exhibit certain behaviors that are unique to themselves, and learning how to read those behaviors can make every haunt so much easier.
Ghost Type | Hunt Sanity | Speed | Evidence | Tells | Behavior |
Spirit | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Spirit Box Response -Ghost Writing | -Incense will prevent hunts for three minutes rather than a minute and a half | |
Wraith | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Spirit Box Response -DOTS Projector Presence | -Regardless of the Tier, Wraiths will not step in Salt -Tier 3 Salt does not slow down a Wraith during a Hunt | -Can teleport to a random player when leaving EMF Level 2 or Level 5 |
Phantom | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -Spirit Box Response -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -DOTs Projector Presence | -Won’t appear in a photo -Disappears if a photo is taken during an event, DOTs projection, or Hunt -Hard to see during a Hunt | -When leaving EMF Level 2, a Phantom can move to a random player |
Poltergeist | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -Spirit Box Response -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Ghost Writing | -Capable of throwing multiple items at once and lowering Sanity faster -Can throw two items per second during a Hunt | -Higher change that items will be thrown and interacted with -Throws items farther and faster than any other ghost type |
Banshee | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Night Vision Ghost Orbs -DOTs Projector Presence | -Can be heard screaming through a Parabolic Microphone | -Chooses a target and only attacks it during a Hunt -Nears target without leaving EMF Level 2 -Prefers activity that involves singing |
Jinn | 50% | 1.7 – 2.5 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Freezing Temperatures | -Can drop nearby players’ Sanity down by 25% at either EMF Level 2 or 5 while the breaker is on | -Can’t directly turn off the breaker -Moves faster while Hunting if the breaker is on |
Mare | 60% | 1.7 m/s | -Spirit Box Response -Night Vision Ghost Orbs -DOTs Projector Presence | -Can immediately turn off a light after a player turns it on -Can’t turn on lights, but can manipulate tv and keyboard | -Will often turn off and break lights -Mares are more likely to visit rooms that are dark |
Revenant | 50% | 1 – 3 m/s | -Night Vision Ghost Orbs -Ghost Writing -Freezing Temperatures | -Speeds up once they sense a player, gradually slowing down until it reaches the location they sensed the player at | |
Shade | 35% | 1.7 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Ghost Writing -Freezing Temperatures | -Will only do interactions that raise EMF meters to 2, 3, or 5 if someone is not in the same room – Refuses to Hunt if someone is in the same room | -Shade ghost events happen more often with low Sanity -Appears more often as mist rather than a full ghost -The Shade, unlike other ghosts, can appear as a shadow if it’s summoned by a music box, summoning circle, or monkey paw |
Demon | 70% | 1.7 m/s | -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Ghost Writing -Freezing Temperatures | -Incense only prevents a Hunt for one minute rather than 90 seconds -Lower minimum Hunt cooldown | -Crucifix range is increased drastically with a Demon |
Yurei | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -Night Vision Ghost Orbs Freezing Temperatures -DOTs Projector Presence | -If a door is in the room you’re in, the Yurei can shut it and drop all nearby players’ Sanity by 15% -The Yurei is the only ghost that can close an exit door without starting a Hunt | -In addition to preventing a Hunt, Incense also traps a Yurei in their room for one minute |
Oni | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Freezing Temperatures -DOTs Projector Presence | -Drains double the Sanity during an event -Won’t appear as mist -Very visible during a Hunt | -Get more active with several people around -Appears as a full ghost more often than other ghost types do |
Yokai | 80% | 1.7 m/s | -Spirit Box Response -Night Vision Ghost Orbs -DOTs Projector Presence | -During a Hunt, you can only hear or electronically detect a Yokai from very close distances | -Increases activity when you speak to a Yokai -Yokai allows the Music Box to be closer than other ghosts before they break it |
Hantu | 50% | 1.44 – 2.7 m/s | -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Night Vision Ghost Orbs -Freezing Temperatures | -Hantu creates freezing temperatures that can be seen in players’ breath in any room as long as the breaker is off or broken -Hantu cannot turn on the breaker | -Hantu has a very high chance to turn off the breaker -Hantu moves faster in cold temperatures, but doesn’t speed up when it can see you |
Goryo | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -DOTs Projector Presence | -DOTs will only appear on a video camera, and only if a player isn’t in the same room | -Chooses one favorite room and doesn’t change it -Can’t move far from favorite room |
Myling | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Ghost Writing | -During a Hunt, you can only hear Myling from 12 meters away rather than the usual 20 meters | -Extremely active through Parabolic Microphone |
Onryo | 60% | 1.7 m/s | -Spirit Box Response -Night Vision Ghost Orbs -Freezing Temperatures | -After extinguishing every third flame present, the Onryo will Hunt at any Sanity level | -Onryo won’t Hunt if a flame is present, acting as a Crucifix -The chance that an Onryo will extinguish a flame is increased with the number of players dead |
The Twins | 50% | 1.53 – 1.87 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Spirit Box Response -Freezing Temperatures | -The Twins both do interactions at the same time, one in a physical location and another at a distance | -Can only trigger motion sensors, step in Salt, and give Spirit Box Responses at the physical location of The Twins |
Raiju | 65% | 1.7 – 2.5 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Night Vision Ghost Orbs -DOTs Projector Presence | -During a Hunt, Raiju will flicker lights and electronics from a farther distance | |
Obake | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -EMF Level 5 -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Night Vision Ghost Orbs | -Obake leaves 6-fingered Ultraviolet Fingerprints -During Hunts, Obake has a chance to change ghost models | -Can avoid leaving Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Fingerprints can disappear faster |
The Mimic | 50% | 1.7 m/s | -Spirit Box Response -Ultraviolet Fingerprints -Freezing Temperatures | -Shows Orbs while mimicking another ghost type -Changes behavior at least once every 2 minutes, but can change as often as 30 seconds | -Copies other ghost types’ behaviors -Speed changes along with behavior |
Moroi | 50% | 1.5 – 3.7 m/s | -Spirit Box Response -Ghost Writing -Freezing Temperatures | -When you hear Moroi through a Spirit Box or Parabolic Microphone, it curses you, dropping your sanity twice as fast -Incense blinds Moroi for 7.5 seconds rather than 5 seconds | -Moroi speeds up when the average Player Sanity is lower -When you are in the line of sight of a Moroi, it can speed up to 3.7 m/s -Sanity Medication will reduce speed during a Hunt |
Deogen | 40% | 0.4 – 3 m/s | -Spirit Box Response -Ghost Writing -DOTs Projector Presence | -When you’re 1 meter or less from a Deogen, it breathes heavily into the Spirit Box -You can’t hide from a Deogen | -Slows down when it gets closer to a player |
Thaye | 75% | 1 – 2.75 m/s | -Night Vision Ghost Orbs -Ghost Writing -DOTs Projector Presence | -Thayes age every couple of minutes with a player nearby -Thaye will tell you they are older over time if asked on an Ouija Board | -Grows less eager to Hunt as it ages -Moves fast at younger ages, and slows down as it gets older |
Phasmophobia is now available on PC.