Phasmophobia has released a new update, and we have the list of changes below. : Kinetic Games have released a new update for Phasmophobia hotfix v0.8.1.1, and the patch notes are mainly about additions, changes, and bug fixes. Let’s dive right into today’s Phasmophobia update: v0.8.1.1 patch notes.
Phasmophobia Hotfix: v0.8.1.1 Update Patch Notes
- Added unique descriptions for crucifix EMF photos.
- The ghost will now always fully show itself at the start of the hunt.
- Monkey paw tags currently update live in the journal when grabbed.
- Multiple players in the same game can now grab the Monkey Paw tags.
- The ghost in the dead room will now match the ghost model if it was male.
- The host can evidently be revived with the monkey paw revive wish.
- If you have a friendly ghost, the see ghost’s negative effect will now end after the ghost event.
- Improved main menu performance.
- The revive stat will moreover only count when you are revived instead of when anyone is revived.
- Voice recognition will, however, now work correctly for non-hosts.
- Improved accuracy of the ghost crucifix hunt detection.
- The loading screen tips are now translated correctly if you change the language in the same menu instance.
- Removed black objects and weird lighting from the truck in High School.
- Improved some translations in the shop.
- Potential fix for “Loadout can’t be added until flipping back and forth between loadout 1 and 2.
- No more null references for “UpdateAddButtons” in all logs.
- Fixed a rare bug where you couldn’t change the difficulty.
- Potential fix for keyboard EMF photo not working in Ridgeview.
- The next time you open the game, your last difficulty will, however, reset once to fix many issues some users had if they continued playing with the settings they had pre-
- Willow windows now have the new UV shader.
- Once put, the ghost won’t be able to detect DOTS, sound sensors, or motion sensors when they are held.
Phasmophobia is available for PC. You can get more of today’s updates on the game’s official site, discord.