When it comes to fall games, the PlayStation 4’s lineup is looking quite barren compared to its competitor, the
In an interview with Eurogamer, Shuhei touted third-party titles and triple A games that have already came out. Claiming there are still new games to play on the console this up-coming Christmas.
“People wouldn’t just look at the first party line-up when they’re making a purchase decision,” he told Eurogamer. “We have great third party titles coming this year–Call of Duty, Assassin’s, Battlefront, Destiny just came out and Metal Gear just came out. There’s no shortage of huge titles available to players on PlayStation 4. And people who are coming new to PlayStation 4 can pick up titles like Bloodborne and Until Dawn.”
Shuhei went on to promote “smaller” games that can be purchased and played this fall.
“We’re not releasing new triple-A titles this Christmas like you say, and like some critics say. But we’re releasing smaller, creative games this year, like Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, or we’re working on The Tomorrow Children, and many small but interesting titles.”
So, while the
Yoshida also commented on the PlayStation Vita, DriveClub, VR, and more in the full interview.
Do you think the holiday lineup will have an impact on the PlayStation 4’s sales, or will the console continue to dominate the market? Let us know in the comments section.