Wubba Lubba Dub-dub! Just like that, and with surprisingly little fanfare it was announced that the eponymous stars of the comedy smash hit Rick and Morty are going to receive their very own Pokemon styled mobile title. Announced via Adult Swim Game’s official twitter the game is called Pocket Mortys and it will arrive January 14th.

Through various tweets contributed by several different people (senior producer Chris Johnston, co-creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, and Adult Swim’s product market manager Sean Baptiste), some additional information about Pocket Mortys has come to light.
The game will be free, (although with mobile games it is impossible to know precisely what that means until the game is released) and will be available on both Android and iOS. Series co-creator, Dan Harmon, contributed voice-over work to Pocket Mortys (presumably in all of his standard roles and maybe more).
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You may be unaware but there is already a Rick and Morty mobile game available, entitled Rick and Morty: Jerry’s Game, however, it is but a simple balloon popping sort of affair. Pocket Mortys promises (and will make good on those by the looks of it) to be more substantial fair than that.
Are you as excited by this announcement as a majority of the internet surely is? Do you rue the day you first heard the names Rick and or Morty? Tell us about it by leaving a comment below.