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Pokemon Masters EX hasn’t let me sleep in a very, very long time. It’s a lot of work to try to get the best Sync Pairs while also making sure I’m invested in all of the events and releases. I always keep several sync pairs in my back pocket, even if I’m using an optimized team.
The Top Pokemon Masters EX Sync Pairs

The image above outlines the best Sync Pairs in a tier list. To break the image down:
- S-Tier
- Ash and Pikachu (Strike)
- Giovani and Mewtwo (Strike)
- Cyrus and Palkia (Strike)
- Sygna Suit Lusamine and Necrozma (Strike)
- A-Tier
- Skyla and Swanna (Support)
- Professor Sycamore and Xerneas (Support)
- Rosa and Serperior (Support)
- Raihan (Anniversary 2022) and Flygon (Tech)
- B-Tier
- Professor Oak and Mew (Tech)
- Will and Xatu (Tech)
- Allister and Gengar (Tech)
- C-Tier
- Acerola and Palossand (Tech)
- Lt. Surge and Voltorb (Tech)
- Brock and Onix (Tech)
- D-Tier
- Liza and Lunatone (Support)
- Tate and Solrock (Physical Strike)
- Valeria and Sylveon (Special Strike)

Every Sync Pair in the S-Tier is one that I use regularly. Even when I auto-optimize the team for the best matchup, Giovanni and Lusamine remain among the top three pairs. In battles, Ash and Lusamine are incredible damage dealers, especially if you’re using Pikachu’s Best Buddies Thunderbolt. Cyrus and Palkia are also an optimal striker, their purpose in my battles is just being a tank since I focused more on HP. All four of these Sync Pairs also have EX colorways, which gives an extra incentive to upgrade them to their maximum.

People might disagree with Rosa and Serperior being in the A-Tier, but that Sync Pair has helped me out countless times with Giga Drain. The same goes for Sycamore and Xerneas using Horn Leech. My builds for these two Sync Pairs focus on their health so that they can chip away at opponents while benefitting from being able to heal their large HP gauges. I also tend to have Skyla and Swanna in my rotation since they’re so balanced. My go-to move is to heal another Sync Pair using Potion just before they go down and then turn around to strike the enemy down with Aerial Ace. Raihan and Flygon are only on here because of how often I’ve needed Flygon’s Fire Spin for events.

The list for the Pokemon Masters EX B-Tier consists of Sync Pairs that aren’t very good at the role they’re given. Each of the three, Will, Professor Oak, and Allister, are Tech roles. Although I recognize that I haven’t taken the time to upgrade them, it’s because of how low their stats are. It doesn’t usually happen, but I’ll swiftly remove any of the three from my lineup if they get added after I choose the most optimized team.

I really tried to make things work with Acerola and Palossand; I really did. These three Sync Pairs are each very specific in their type matching, but it’s their roles that bother me. In-game, the Tech role is the same as a Striker, although much less powerful. When I first started playing the game, Tech roles were more for slowing down opponents using debuffs and other status ailments. Even then, these three Sync Pairs don’t embody either of those definitions. When I use them, if ever, it’s to take advantage of their type-related powers.

The D-Tier is primarily Sync Pairs that I consistently get in pulls, but do not need. If I see one more Tate or Liza, then I’ll go insane. Those two seem to be the only Sync Pairs that get crammed into every single pull, regardless of what the occasion or event is.
Pokemon Masters EX is available now on mobile devices.