The seventh generation of Pokemon games was first announced when the new Pokemon, Magerna, was revealed. Shortly after Pokemon Sun and Moon were leaked and Nintendo made a Nintendo Direct video showcasing the games. In comparison to other game reveals the reveal felt underwhelming. It was almost as if the only reason it was revealed was because of the leak.

In the interim we’ve not received any other information about the games, other than false leaks. That should not be the case any longer, Nintendo and Game Freak have revealed that a video showcasing footage from Pokemon Sun and Moon would be shown on April 3rd. The footage will be given during an episode of Pokemon House. While no promises on what the footage will show, even a little bit will be more than the footage we were previously given during the trailer for Pokemon Sun and Moon.
If nothing else it would be nice to maybe get a glimpse at the starters available in Pokemon Sun and Moon or maybe parts clips of the new region. Maybe some news as to how the game will take in Pokemon from the first generation games since. At this point any information would be welcomed. What about you are you excited for Pokemon Sun and Moon? Are you waiting for more information before choosing your version? Sound off in the comments below.