Rainbow Six Siege has received a new Y8S2 update today, and here is the complete list of changes and fixes. The game continues to receive updates to enhance the gameplay. Today’s Patch changes the gadget balancing, observation blocker, and operators. Additionally, The Observation Blocker will now play a lower function in this capacity, as drones can pass over the barrier without penalty. Proximity Alarms will gather intel and contribute to map control as an alternative. Without further ado, let us check out May 15, 2023, update Y8S2 for Rainbow Six Siege.
Rainbow Six Siege May Y8S2 Update Patch Notes.
😱 Are you scared yet? You should be…
☠️🧪 Fenrir arrives in Y8S2 equipped with the fear-inducing F-NATT Mine.
Learn more about the new Swedish Operator and his gadget, and then go test it out for yourself in the Y8S2 Test Server, live now! pic.twitter.com/MctzctuMt1
— Rainbow Six Siege (@Rainbow6Game) May 15, 2023
Observation Blocker
- Defenders can now use the Observation Blocker as a secondary gadget.
- Nevertheless, Once launched, it generates a digital barrier that prevents any Observation Tool from seeing you, such as drones, Iana’s Gemini Replicator, or Brava’s Kludge Drone.
Base Stats
- Amount: 3 per operator
- Barrier maximum width: 5 meters
- Barrier height: 2.2 meters
- Type: Electronic
- Health: 1hp
- Vulnerabilities: Bullets, laser, melee, explosives
- The Observation Blocker is added as a 3rd secondary gadget option unless it is specified in the Operator Balancing section below.
- Ela
- Rook
- Warden
- Caveira
- Kaid
- Maestro
- Pulse
- Alibi
- Jäger
- Alibi’s Prisma deflects attacks, gathers intelligence, and deceives adversaries. The dev team wants to expand on this fantasy by modifying her secondary gadgets to emphasize the qualities.
- Removed Deployable Shield
- Removed Impact Grenades.
- Added Observation Blocker
- Added Proximity Alarm.
- The Observation Blocker will contribute to the mind games around the Prismas, allowing players to hide them from drones to be more effective against Attackers.
- Proximity Alarms will gather intel and contribute to map control as an alternative.
- Clash can now contribute more to the site setup to compensate for her limited firepower. Similar to what was done with the Super Shorty.
- Added Deployable Shield.
- Removed Nitro Cell.
- Added Bulletproof Camera.
- Added Impact Grenades.
- To make Grim’s gadget more impactful, The dev team tweaked some values to increase the chances of applying the effect to a Defender.
The Y8S2 Designer's Notes are now available! Featuring:
👁🚫 New Equipment: Observation Blocker
⚡🕊 Thunderbird: Kona Stations Cooldown and Healing Reduced
🐝📈 Grim: Kawan Hive Effectiveness Increased📕 Full details here 🔽
— Rainbow Six Siege (@Rainbow6Game) May 15, 2023
Kawan Hive Launcher: Rainbow Six Siege Y8S2 Patch Notes
- Equip time: Reduced to 1 second (from 1.1).
- Rate of fire: Increased to 70 rpm (from 40).
Kawan Hive
- Activation: Time reduced to 0.4 seconds (from 1).
- Vulnerabilities: It is also vulnerable to bullets, laser, and melee damage.
- Duration: Increased to 16 seconds (from 8).
- Size: Radius increased to 4.6 meters (from 3.6).
- Detection system: Now detects any body part, not only the head.
- Decay: Duration reduced to 4 seconds (from 9). The time between pings is normalized to 1 second (from 1/3/9).
- Added Baliff 410 as a secondary weapon option.
- Added Hard Breach Charge as a secondary gadget option.
- The Observation Blocker has a great alliance with operators like Jäger that need to hide their utility from unwanted eyes.
- Removed Barbed Wire.
- Added Observation Blocker.
- Removed Barbed Wire.
- Added Deployable Shield
- Added Observation Blocker.
- Removed Deployable Shield.
- Added Proximity Alarm.
- Added Proximity Alarm.
- Removed Impact Grenades
- Removed Nitro Cell
- Added Barbed Wire
- Added Bulletproof Camera
Kona Station
- Cooldown: Reduced to 15 seconds (from 35).
- Healing: Reduced to 20 hp (from 30).
Rainbow Six Siege is available on PS4, PS5,